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Cinci's player ratings - Arsenal v Saints

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posted on 24/11/13

you may get lucky and see a Doyle goal

Apologies in advance for the above comment, i am fully aware his shít does not stink and would gleefully drop to my knees if he were stood in front of me.

posted on 24/11/13

worse uncle, the "new north bank" is just an elaborate joke we've all been playing on those who don't go to matches. really the place is still a shed and we've all split the £15m between us and lived on champagne and caviar pies at half time for the last two years.

posted on 25/11/13

I still prefer facts to supposition, Cinci. (I'm a bit like Perry Mason in that respect, to Yankify the analogy.)

posted on 25/11/13

comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 15 hours, 26 minutes ago
you may get lucky and see a Doyle goal

Apologies in advance for the above comment, i am fully aware his shít does not stink and would gleefully drop to my knees if he were stood in front of me.

Or even more lucky and see a Siggy goal or even an above average and not it any way frustrating performance.

posted on 25/11/13

Keep things feasible tam

posted on 25/11/13

Well, funny you should say that tam, but statistically speaking your scenario is much more likely

posted on 25/11/13

cinci believes Doyle should always be selected ahead of Siggy but makes comments like this every single day. Go figure

posted on 25/11/13

All in the name of correctness DJ, Tam made an error so i am helping educate by pointing that error out.

posted on 25/11/13

If we are being correct, Siggy has played in 16 games this season ans scored 2.

Doyle has played in 14 games and scored 3.

So statistically I was correct.

posted on 25/11/13

well, goals to minutes would be the most accurate way of telling Tam, especially when both players have had a solid ammount of minutes on the pitch this season.

posted on 25/11/13

Its a point you make every time there is a y in the day cinci. Do you like tunes with repetitive choruses?

posted on 25/11/13

Not at all DJ, but as pointed out above, just stating a fact
Are we not allowed to state facts now either if they go against Doyle?
You shouldn't be so touchy on the subject, its OK to admit a players flaws, lord knows Siggy has many.

Also, my initial comment was tongue in cheek regarding Doyle scoring(well obviously).

posted on 25/11/13

I am not touchy at all cinci. Just wonder what entertains you about making the same points every day. Would you say you were stuck in a rut?

posted on 25/11/13

No, but I will respond when someone else brings it up first

posted on 25/11/13

Goals per minute would be more accurate. But then you also need to take into account how many minutes he averages per game if we are calculating the chances of Cyp seeing him score.

Do you have the goals per minute figures Cinci, or are you assuming?

posted on 25/11/13

Well doyle has played around 1400 minutes or so I would guess and scored 3
Siggy around 800 minutes and scored 2
Its not difficult to work out which percentage would be better.

posted on 25/11/13

P.S. both this stats are pathetic given the wages and fees paid out.

posted on 25/11/13

Are these official figures?

You also need to look at player ratings and team goals whilst both are in the team I would have thought.

I thought you want to play with someone who pulls off the main striker into midfield to link up play. Doyle does that role, but then gets lambasted for not scoring every week.

Also Doyle has only started 11 games and played in 14, so he can't have racked up anywhere near 1400 minutes.

comment by Larry (U18847)

posted on 25/11/13

Siggy has started 9 and played in 2.

posted on 25/11/13

posted on 25/11/13

nice one parry.

I do indeed cut Doyle some slack as he does not in my view play in a front two, despite some telling me each week I am wrong on that score.

posted on 25/11/13


A simple mistake but you have confused yrself regarding stats. If Doyle scores once every 450 minutes and plays 80 minutes per game, you have a one in six chance of seeing him score. If siggy scores once every 400 minutes and plays 20 minutes per game you have a 1 in 20 chance. So goals per minute does not equal more chance of seeing him score.

posted on 25/11/13

That isn't Parry.

posted on 25/11/13

As a side note, what should I wear for the Orient game?

Front row, half way line of the old New Stand which is opposite the new Waterloo Road stand. Last time I sat in there was a night match around the same time of year.

Also, do they allow tripods into the ground?

Thanks in advance


posted on 25/11/13

wear something luminous orange or pink so we can all pick you out in the crowd or maybe a santa suit? and headphones so you can listen to the radio to check whether the commentary matches what you are watching!

not sure on tripods. depends if it is for mounting a rifle? or did you mean one of those 80s bbc sci-fi things?

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