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JA has spoken: The veggie stays

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posted on 3/12/13

comment by THE ACE FACE (U18814)
posted 5 minutes ago
Look, let me tell you lot something about women; owning a wife is akin to owning a dog. You have to let it know who it's master is early doors, then you'll get its respect and obedience. If you're too soft then one day it'll turn round and savage you and you'll only have yourself to blame.

My mate gets savaged by his missus on a regular basis

posted on 3/12/13

comment by nomadic_spur (U9863)
posted 1 minute ago

Is this your girlfriend?

I really wouldn't want to click a link provided by you, i'll be disease ridden within the hour

comment by (U9863)

posted on 3/12/13

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comment by (U9863)

posted on 3/12/13

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comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 3/12/13


posted on 3/12/13

Veggie is nothing. I dated a vegan for a bit. They're far worse. It was tricky cos she was amazing looking and had an ar$e like a prize racehorse. We didn't last long enough for it to become a big issue but it went through my mind a few times how awkward it would be going forward. BBQs and dinners round other people's places would have been awful. I can't stand awkward people that demand veggie stuff round other people's houses and suddenly my girlfriend was one of them. Never again.

comment by (U9863)

posted on 3/12/13

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posted on 3/12/13

Their farts are bad too.

comment by (U9863)

posted on 3/12/13

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posted on 3/12/13

comment by Bale's left boot (U17605)
posted 1 minute ago
Their farts are bad too.
Hmmm, I must be a veggie then.

posted on 3/12/13

Mine smell like a rotting corpse


posted on 3/12/13

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comment by (U9863)

posted on 3/12/13

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posted on 3/12/13

nomadic, I was trying to make a joke.

I think I failed.

posted on 3/12/13

"I was trying to make a joke."

You needed a ", you ignorant/polluting meat-eater" at the end of the sentence.

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 3/12/13

posted on 3/12/13

I'm working on a new type of comedy that's so subtle it's not even vaguely funny...


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