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Billy Davies, the bat fastard!

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comment by OOE (U3473)

posted on 7/1/14

"Even when Tommy Docherty dismantled our title winners in the late 70's he wasn't held in the contempt Davies is."

He bloody well was - and still is.

posted on 7/1/14

Strett, Davies, I firmly believe, is held in contempt at every club he has ever managed. Why do you think that is?

In time you will too, I assure you

posted on 7/1/14

Strett has a similar opinion of Artoo in all honesty Baz. He just doesn't have the guts to admit it when certain people are watching.

comment by Peeder (U1684)

posted on 7/1/14

comment by strett-a-Manger (U1462)
posted 4 hours, 48 minutes ago
In case you wonder why are Derby fans so absorbed with everything Davies does…


Says the "man" who is so obsessed with Derby that of the 25 'original' articles he's posted this season, 16 have been about Derby and only 9 about the club he says he supports.

Its a bit like sending text messages to your girlfriend/ wife asking her what's for tea but at the same time sending twice as many to a better looking girl in the next road you've always had a bit of a crush on; hoping, one day, that she might invite you round for "coffee" but knowing full well that she's miles too good for you and that there's as much chance of getting a "coffee" off her as there is of Billy Davies ever seeing out a contract. Bless you Strett!

posted on 7/1/14

Wow, I think it's been a whole two weeks without a Derby fan posting an anti Davies article! I thought you had finally got over him for a minute...

posted on 7/1/14


comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 7/1/14

Says the "man" who is so obsessed with Derby that of the 25 'original' articles he's posted this season, 16 have been about Derby and only 9 about the club he says he supports.


Wow, stalking has been taken to a new level!
Reading, counting, noting and then posting information about me!
Peeder. You are clearly not only obsessed with Davies but, more worryingly as I don’t have a firebrand lawyer looking after me; also have an unnerving coveting of me.

I am a little flattered though.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 7/1/14

Peeder Strett

comment by Peeder (U1684)

posted on 7/1/14


I just get bored with your constant need to blight our boards.

There is some truth in what you say - some of my fellow Rams are obsessed with Billy D but no more than you are obsessed with all things Derby.

It didn't take long to look at your Articles page - I wouldnt want to waste more than maybe 2 minutes of my time - so I'm not sure stalking is quite right.

Just really wanted to prove what a total hypocrite you are and it really wasn't difficult!

posted on 7/1/14

but no more than you are obsessed with all things Derby.
Don't forget Woody peeder

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 7/1/14

Don't mention woody when Peeder is thinking about me FFS!!

posted on 7/1/14

wow, JA606 is the new Plenty of Fish

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 7/1/14

Looking good Mostyn

posted on 7/1/14

What did the journalist say about Billy and pork pies to get him so worked up?

The interest thing that this highlights is that Billy must have people reading everything written about him and then telling him. That's a bit weird that is.

comment by Peeder (U1684)

posted on 7/1/14

Iwas - do you reckon there is a NewsnowBilyDaviesPage?

comment by (U18331)

posted on 7/1/14

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posted on 7/1/14

I think so Peeder.

Why have such an interest though. He can't be keeping a scrapbook.

posted on 8/1/14

Blimey, haven't been able to access the Internet for a couple of days; hadn't expected this article to have generated quite so much hullabaloo.

I must confess that Billy Davies really isn't in the forefront of my thoughts anymore as I genuinely believe we're building something much stronger and worthwhile at Derby than many of other clubs in the Championship, and even on the A52.

I do however stand by my guns when I said that he is just a horrible, petty man who radiates an "I'll-take-my-ball-home" attitude. The one and only reason he came in bobbing was down to thrashing a very poor West Ham side. After that, he couldn't resist the opportunity to try and look personable by doing something for charity.

Let's hope he sees it through before Saturday, because I get the feeling that he may not be so willing after Bolton stitch you up!

posted on 8/1/14

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