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posted on 14/8/11

ok i would be honest. the first thing coming to my mind after reading the title is.... india.... am I right???

comment by (U6361)

posted on 15/8/11

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posted on 15/8/11

neon son the betting scandals have been discussed a zillion times, almost every indian wum created atleast hundred articles each regarding the scandal, besides we were also told that the team that loses 3-1 to england is a minnow team, so my poor baby its now time to face the whitewash and face the music! accept that you have been humiliated, disgraced, stripped of your first rank in the most shameful manner. those men that you call your heroes or legends or gods whatever, you should be ashamed of them, put them in a hiding or may be give up playing international cricket and decay with your ipl.

comment by Topdawg (U8684)

posted on 15/8/11

couldn't have put it any better thewinningways.

every time anyone has a deserved pop at the gau jal urine, they come back talking about something else.

Mohandas K Gandu, are you watching your boys take a hammering?

comment by (U6361)

posted on 15/8/11

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posted on 15/8/11


chill out fella.

comment by (U6361)

posted on 15/8/11

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posted on 15/8/11

What did Neon type?

Neon i thought u had Afridi and TopDawg on wum filter?

posted on 15/8/11

Good man.....

posted on 15/8/11

Neon are you Gujarati? How does it make you feel that the majority of Gujarit's in Dewsbury/Batley and Blackburn support Pakistan rather than India?

comment by (U6361)

posted on 15/8/11

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comment by Topdawg (U8684)

posted on 15/8/11

why are you fasting neon?

comment by (U6361)

posted on 15/8/11

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posted on 15/8/11

Why fast at all? Just seems silly to me?

posted on 15/8/11


This is a question often asked by those that dont fast, the only thing I'll say from personal experience is that... Fasting makes us deeply conscious of the pangs of hunger and discomfort suffered by the less fortunate amongst us worldwide, who may have to put up with such stringent conditions all through their lives ‑ so it enkindles a spirit of sacrifice leading to charity towards those suffering.....in addition to that, Ive found that Fasting develops courage fortitute and a fighting spirit within. IIt sharpens power of concentration to overcome obstacles, through a vigorous exercise all through the month, leading to will power and resolve, which could help in trying situations in actual life. It is seen that many an undesirable habit which is found hard to leave, is more easily left off during the days of fasting. .... just my own expeience and im sure there are many other logical reasons behind why people fast......

comment by Pox (U2677)

posted on 15/8/11

ha what rubbish afridi14 , you fast because of the fear of hell.None of you would fast otherwise.

posted on 15/8/11

what stupid argument pox, fasting is a religious obligation, true. the reason was asked and was eloquently explained by afridi14. You dont have to ridicule everything being an athiest. Specially when anybody here doesnt question your believes.

posted on 16/8/11

Humiliation has only occurred cos we've got fletch...& he is kak as a coach.....as you guys well know !

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