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These 60 comments are related to an article called:

Billy Davies Doing it Again!!

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posted on 12/1/14

You'd be happy for anyone to knock on your door.

Teg would hide.

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 13/1/14

In this "joke" Igor, am I hiding cos someone has knocked on my door or am I hiding cos I've just knocked on Cannigia's door?

posted on 13/1/14

This is the problem with everyone shooting their load over a five part Billy article over Christmas and then voting the author as PoTY on the strength of it.

Never would have happened on my shift!

Reap what you sow, bіțсhes.

posted on 13/1/14

"Never would have happened on my shift"

Yes, there weren't any articles about Artoo when you were PoTY, were there 666?

Oh, hang on....

posted on 13/1/14

It wasn't the sole topic of discussion; I managed to keep a calming influence on the board, focussed on matters DCFC, or at least Nigel Clough, but you've let it go to seed... I'm very disappointed and feel, after all the manipulation and scheming that you put into "winning" the votes from the gullible, that you've rather let us all down.

It's looking like the Clough appointment; steeped in sentiment, full of good intentions but not quite up to it. Even 2Wellies was better than this, and he stank the place up.

For shame

posted on 13/1/14

I find your disappointment reassuring 666. If I start getting your approval I will begin to feel concerned.

posted on 13/1/14

Yeah...? In YOUR endo.

posted on 13/1/14

Even 2Wellies was better than this, and he stank the place up.

posted on 13/1/14

Just to clarify though for newer members, now that 666 has been toppled and can no longer rewrite history according to the victor:

2 Wellies left JA 606 a happy, welcoming, balanced some might say even utopian forum where 666 was even tolerated and accepted as one of us.

Then as PoTY I decided to answer the call and took it upon myself to preach the good word of Derby County to the far corners of South Asia and Oceania after a pi$$ stop in the USA.

In my absence 666 plotted his coup d'etat. Alienating the electorate with barely legible rants against Clough, the same rants then repeated over and over again with and CAPS LOCK on for shock affect. Soon the people were divided, good hard working people were alienated and marginalised (a deliberate ploy to cleanse the electoral roll of decent voters); then with rehashed Jim Davidson jokes 666 began offering his Handy Guides up as the opium of the people, disconnected from each other, alienated by 666's incessant hate speech a tragic state of Stockholm syndrome began to emerge amongst posters. Mistaking 666's repetition of news articles as his own thoughts, believing quantity was better than quality and amidst the wretched culture of below average posting the people began to believe that 666 had something to offer. That the emperor wore no clothes was obvious to the intelligent but by that point they had been worn down by attrition and 666 drivel that they had no fight left in them.

Hence me returning to the ja606 landscape just in time to see 666 hailed as PoTY, in a scene reminiscent of Simba returning to see a land impoverished by the rule of Scar.

I looked in disbelief, the people wanted me to take back the forum but on my travels I had learned the futility of power and leadership and so I let nature take its course and how she hath answered in most ironic fashion.

When I was ousted 666 saw it as a populist endorsement of right wing reactionary fiscal selfishness and now the man who thought he was king forever has been usurped by a liberal intellectual* from Shropshire who works for the NHS.

Brother 666 let it go my friend, come humble yourself, drink from the cups of mortals like us and learn to be free again.


* I accept Vidals' intellect is debatable but gave him the benefit of the doubt if only to increase the levels of irony in my argument.

posted on 13/1/14



posted on 13/1/14

sorry meant to say "is employed by the NHS"

posted on 13/1/14

Damn auto correct on my work laptop

posted on 13/1/14

Simba/Scar analogy very apt though. "He just couldn't let go of his hate".

True fact: a hyena researcher sued Disney for "defamation of character" by portraying the animals in "The Lion King" as nasties. It does seem a bit racist to be fair.

posted on 13/1/14


True fact: The Lion King is based on Hamlet.

posted on 13/1/14

Not a true fact. It's just a sloppy assumption that anything with a vague father/son angle must be based on Hamlet. It is in fact based on Kimba the White Lion, a Japanese televison show. Disney bought them off so that they wouldn't make a fuss about it (allegedly).

That's "apparently", Disney, OK?

posted on 13/1/14

Macbeth has to be my favourite though, how envy, greed and strong family influences can turn a Scottish man into an angry, bitter, devious and destructive menace.

posted on 13/1/14

It is true my friend told me and why would she lie to me?

Truer Fact: This new PoTY is turning into a fact checking smart ar5se

When are the mid terms View?

posted on 13/1/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 13/1/14

Indeed. Were the three witches anticipating a certain disregard for the rules of the game when they said "Fair is foul, and foul is fair"?

posted on 13/1/14

666 = King Lear:

“A knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats; a
base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited,
hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a
lily-livered, action-taking knave, a whoreson,
glass-gazing, super-serviceable finical rogue;
one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a
bawd, in way of good service, and art nothing but
the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar,
and the son and heir of a mongrel bi.tch.”

posted on 13/1/14

'Hundred pound'?

Which leg..?

posted on 13/1/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 13/1/14

You gayer.

posted on 13/1/14

Brotherly love doesn't mean gai sechs 666 ... anyways I heard you were a minger.

posted on 13/1/14

I never told him 666, honest.

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