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king alfred the great

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posted on 20/1/14

Sorry was watching prog on tv and drinking sauvignon.

posted on 20/1/14

You are going to have to expand on this my friend. I am intrigued.

comment by TUX (U5315)

posted on 20/1/14

He wouldn't be a chef

posted on 20/1/14

Was King Alfred the Great great at scoring goals or was he a great keeper?


posted on 20/1/14

You know this gets my vote for article of the year 2013 - 2014

posted on 20/1/14

Alfred is from Wessex, he wears a Wessex hat,
He plots against invaders from his Leicester council flat;
He slays them with his left hand, he slays them with his right,
And when we fight the Vikings, he slays all f.ing night.

posted on 21/1/14

We dont need Alfred we have our own king who stayed in the city for 500 years.
one King Richard, theres only one King Richard
Led his team into batlle, only to be betrayed by the men from the North.

posted on 21/1/14

Dung you are wasted... no i mean really wasted

comment by fatfox (U4031)

posted on 21/1/14

Thorneyfox: when a bloke is called Richard III, "there's only one King Richard" doesn't have an entirely convincing ring to it

posted on 21/1/14

fatfox--very good, but we cant shout One King Hunchback or similar, it would sound even worse.

posted on 21/1/14

surely it was your second bottle???

posted on 21/1/14

comment by Hairyfox (U3467)
posted 8 hours, 23 minutes ago
surely it was your second bottle???
---------------------------------------------------hmm I didn't want admit to the second bottle

posted on 22/1/14

Or more properly, thorny -

"One King Richard, there's only One King Richard
Led his team into battle, only to be betrayed by the men from the North-West."

Richard was a northerner, born, raised and revered there, but alas not destined to be buried there, it seems. Henry VII (aka Harry Tudor) was Welsh, and by 1483 the leader of the Lancastrian faction.

posted on 22/1/14

I read somewhere Alfred the Great was voted in the top 14 'Great Britons' of all time.

I shan't look, but I reckon the top 13 played for City/Fosse at some stage....

Serious heads

posted on 22/1/14

Malling--sorry history lesson time, Richard 111 was born in Fotheringay near Peterborough,he expected to win battle of Bosworth, but was betrayed by the Stanleys,and more importantly the Percys of Northumberland.
Like 1066, the battle could have gone either way and history changed forever.

posted on 22/1/14

Mea culpa on the place of birth, thorny.

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