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Froch to duck Groves. Quack Quack

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posted on 23/1/14

What a coword. See him on SSN? Absolute facking joke. Chavez is a fat, walking punchbag. He can barely move.

comment by May (U16980)

posted on 23/1/14

He said his fans want to see Chavez fight more that groves....

posted on 23/1/14

Facking reta.rded caaaant.

posted on 23/1/14

was a massive fan of froch....BUT...he's let himself down massively since that groves fight ended.....

posted on 23/1/14


The spas.tic is on Ringside

posted on 23/1/14

Think groves needs to get over himself tbh. You'd think he was the first ever boxer to be robbed of a decision. He couldn't stop call in 9 rounds and is now living to regret it.

This is not an argument over who should of/ could of won the fight. I just think groves needs to move on and stop acting like a spoilt kid with the 'its froch or no-one attitude'

Froch doesn't owe groves anything, and if he wants to pursue a big money fight stateside, something he's worked dam hard all his career for than Imo he is more than entitled to.

At the end of the day Carl has one, two fights left in him, groves has at least another decade, he'll have his chance again.

posted on 23/1/14

usual load of brain dead bollox from the george groves fans ,
with froch close to retiring he obviously wants to go out with the biggest pay day he can so it makes sense to try and get andre ward or a top ranked american fighter in usa somewhere as ward will be a much bigger payday than groves ,

ward is a better fighter than groves anyway ,
--------------- rocket science it aint

posted on 23/1/14

Groves offers deluded Carl his biggest payday.

Deluded Carl is ducking the rematch because he knows with a competent ref/judges in charge, he stands absolutely no chance. He'd get schooled again.

posted on 23/1/14

Not sure groves offers him his biggest payday! He will offer a bigger payday than ward but not Chavez! I think he's wanting the Chavez fight so he builds himself up in America more so he could command a bigger pay for ward!

Either way after all his talk and crap he gave Callzaghe this is a duck

comment by May (U16980)

posted on 23/1/14

Hearn said himself in numerous interviews that groves is the biggest fight financially

posted on 23/1/14


how do you work out that groves will offer froch a bigger payday than ward -
ward is one of the p4p best in the world and the fight will be in the states with a massive payday ,
---- froch and groves will be a domestic fight with a domestic purse -

posted on 23/1/14


how can it be if it is a domestic fight with a domestic purse ?

posted on 23/1/14

Martial Artist - so because it is a domestic fight it won't be as lucrative as a fight out in the states. Tool

posted on 23/1/14


the fighters tend to get a bigger slice of the cable revenue out there -- or the really top one"s do anyway -

posted on 23/1/14

Froch whatever anyone says about him lets not forget he won the fight. He hasn't got long left in his career and if he wants fights against the likes of Ward or a Chavez in Las Vegas then fair play to him. He's been a great fighter with a fantastic pedigree and a British boxing legend for sure.

Groves has plenty of time left and will get another crack at a world title but his whinging and moaning is getting childish now. If the IBF order a rematch then it'll be Froch, if they don't he still has other options.

posted on 23/1/14

So what? The biggest money fight for him is Groves hands down. They are talking 70-80000 at Wembley. Ward however talented he is won't match the figures.

posted on 23/1/14

mirpur defending another ducker. Not surprised.

Froch got absolutely battered, the ret.arded ref spared his blushes after he landed 2 punches

He got the win on paper thanks to incompetent refereeing, but we all know what happened in reality.

posted on 23/1/14


not so sure about those figures machine , historically all the big money fights have always been in the states ,
--- froch wants to go down as one of the best fighters this country has produced , his record wont show that unless he beats ward -

posted on 23/1/14

lol he stands absolutely no chance against Ward.

posted on 23/1/14


" we all know what happened in reality "

yeh we do -- groves was never going to last the distance as froch was getting stronger in the 2nd half of the fight --- the ref jumped in and saved groves from a battering

posted on 23/1/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 23/1/14

posted on 23/1/14

Froch has no options

Fights Groves - He would be put to sleep within 6 rounds

Fights Ward - Already got humilated by a one arm Ward. Imagine Ward been able to hit him with both arms? Would be a career ending beating with a possible late stoppage

Fights Chavez Jr - Officially becomes the biggest p ussy in boxing.

posted on 23/1/14

I've never liked Froch the mug but you can't call him a ducker. Fighting the oppostion he's fought back to back to back isn't the work of a ducker.

When the referee called the fight off, there was just as much chance of Froch knocking Groves out as there was of Groves winning. The judges had it very close so he could have won on points too.

He doesn't owe Groves a rematch. He has a few fights left and if he wants to try and set up an impossible task against Ward or a fight with Chavez in Las Vegas then he can.

posted on 23/1/14

If he doesnt fight Groves next and especially faces Chavez next then he is a ducker as simple as that. He cant hide behind the promoter. It's Froch call. You cant defend it.

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