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These 16 comments are related to an article called:

Nothing Has Changed

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posted on 15/8/11

I'm sorry but I need to vent some spleen.

I am soooooooooo frustrated watching a United side bereft of central midfield talent. It's been like this for 3 years and SAF keeps refusing to do anything about it, purely because of his stubborn streak
Its because he prefers to give youth a chance as always

Be patient and watch Ando Cleverley and Pogba this season

comment by EM (U4638)

posted on 15/8/11

I think this is a great article, not saying I agree with it entirely on some points but I do with the main argument.

On Phil Jones I think Fergie HAD to sign him because the Scousers and probably Arsenal were going to go for him. He is too good of a player to miss out on.

I still wouldn't put it past us to sign Sneijder even though Fergie has denied everything and anything about a transfer. Don't forget, a day after Fergie said deals done for summer David Gill came out and said we were after one more 'world class signing'. He hasn't opened his mouth since now has he?

So as much as this article makes some sense, I would hold out until September 1st to see if things stay the same.

posted on 15/8/11

3 years not patient enough?? Anderson has had the odd chance you know?

I hope Cleverley comes good but he is no Sneijder right now, and we need top class talent in their today, not in 3 years.

Pogba is 18 for gods sake and a great prospect but give the boy some time to develop being making him the answer

posted on 15/8/11

of the arguably the top club side on the planet.

posted on 15/8/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 15/8/11

Great article, great points, fully agree, and very well written. I still have everything crossed for Sneijder.


comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 15/8/11

How often have we invested in ready made world class players and seen it pay off? If we are to ever reach Barca's current level then it has to be with youngsters brought through the ranks or bought and moulded.

posted on 15/8/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 15/8/11

I agree with most of your main points (and I laughed out loud reading them) but I have to quibble with some of your more minor points. E.g. the difference between Fergie and Wenger's 'blind spots' is a display case full of trophies.

While I agree that Clev, Pogba (and even Ando) are young, and too many are getting carried away, I have still been impressed by them so far. I think SAF feels that unless he can get a world class player for a reasonable price then he'd rather give his promising youngsters a chance rather than bringing in someone who's better than them now but might not be in 2 years.

The only fundamental point that I disagreed with is that I don't think SAF has is "ignoring" the CM issue, although I think it has taken him far too long to address it. I think he is aware of the problem and is taking steps to rectify it - just not by signing a new player.

Gibson will leave because his style doesn't fit with the manager's new philosophy. There seems tohave been an emphasis in preseason and against WB on high tempo one touch passing/possession and our CMs are playing much further forward in support of the attack. This was clear against WB and City. Yesterday I counted 6 Utd players in and around the WB penalty area. I don't remember seeing that away from home last season.

We appear to be improving our attacking style. Forget any new signings, Fergie is dealing with it - just not with a quick fix. However, the change is already noticeable which is encouraging.

posted on 15/8/11

'United should have players like a peak quality Robson, Ince, Keane, and Scholes playing centrally in all their teams'

Name realistic targets who are as good as any of these.

posted on 15/8/11

Fair points Misty and for dramatic effect I vented a bit OTT but you got the gist

@Busbybabes - There have been lots of realistic targets that either were as good or could have developed to become as good over the least 3 years that we could have bought and didnt for whatever reason.

I mentioned Sneijder for under 20m when we sold Rondaldo. We needed an attacking CM then and SAF didnt negotiate for this player. I recall being shocked even then.

Costa, Ozil, Sahin were younger players we could have gone in more heavily for. You could add Ramsay to that list but like Bale SAF was too cautious about the price.

When Modric went to spurs where were we? VDV would be a quality AM and for the price Spurs paid no risk at all.

DeRossi is certainly a realistic target in the last year of his contract who wants out

Diarra is a better DM than we have currently even though I think we could find better.

Schweinsteiger would cost a lot and may not be possible but do we know for sure.

I'm sure SAF scouts could come up with a list 10 times this length or are you really saying there is noone realistically in the world that would improve us beyond Fletcher, Carrick, Anderson and Gibson

posted on 15/8/11

I agree we need a centre midfield, but all of these targets for one reason or another are/ have been unrealistic or Fergy simply didn't want he player.

He went to watch Ozil in pre-season but I think when Madrid were involved, there was only place he was going. Possibly the same with Sahin, we have certainly had scouts at Dortmund over the last couple of years.

Sneijder had a bad injury record at Madrid remember, I'm sure if SAF wanted any of these Madrid players, he could of had his pick in exchange for Ronaldo. People who want Sneijer in a two man midfield are asking for trouble imo.

De Rossi will not leave Roma, they have new owners and exciting times ahead. Schweinteiger will probably never leave Bayern. Though these are suitable players.

When Modric went to spurs where were we?

Sorry but £16m on Modric was a huge gamble at the time, it payed off, but he was by no means a cert to succeed in the Prem, and did we not have Ronny then?

We wanted Ramsey but he chose Arsenal, and imo isn't an improvement on what we have.

Costa centre mid?

posted on 15/8/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 15/8/11

posted 1 second ago

comment by BusbysBabes (U9083)

posted 1 hour, 10 minutes ago
People who want Sneijer in a two man midfield are asking for trouble imo.

But Cleverly is not trouble in a 2-man midfield?
or are u saying Fergie is asking for trouble by going after him?

We need a creative attacking midfielder to give us more options in case the opposition shut out the flanks.

posted on 16/8/11


I wont go over your responses to all the players as it's a bit pointless but the bottom line is SAF could definitely have improved on our CM in last 3 years and has chosen not to and that has been a mistake IMO. I simply dont accept the argument that no player could realistically have improved on our current players in that position.

As for Costa, yes he definitely is a CM


posted on 16/8/11

Whatever! The difference with Wenger's blind spot over their defence and the suppossed Sir Alex one over our midfield is that Arsenal are not winning trophies, we are. Our record over these last 3 years with our "dreadfull" midfield, really couldn't have got much better, really could it!

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