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These 60 comments are related to an article called:

Everton At It Again

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posted on 16/8/11

"Am i right HM"?

How embarrasing.

posted on 16/8/11

Why's that?!?! Just checking I understood his post, and clearly I understood it better than you. In any case, the embarrasment isn't felt here, there is someone on this thread who should feel it though given they can't admit they were mistaken. Injured pride perhaps, that's what I'll pu tthe snide comments down to. You therefore have my pity CE. Chin up. Acknowledge your errors, that way you can begin to move on with your head held high.

posted on 16/8/11

Without wanting to start a name calling session, I cannot see how anyone who has the club at heart can see the drop in sales as anything but bad for the club. Whatever the reasons for the drop.

It's not a reason to celebrate a victory over the board.

posted on 16/8/11


You are deflecting from my point.
Where do i use the drop in season ticket sales to celebrate a victory over the board.

That Talks Krap carries on like a big girl.
Am i right crispy

posted on 16/8/11

I'm not saying you did, but the inference is there that the drop may in part be down to unrest in the fan base, when I believe that is not the case.

posted on 16/8/11


You may be misunderstanding my stance against the board.

I think this board, & particularly it`s figurehead,are totally inept.
No hidden agenda & certainly not personal.
I would prefer them to leave the club asap.

No matter how much certain posters on here enjoy showing they are loyal to Bill,and therefore better Evertonians than me,wait until you read the report from The Peoples Group,totally indefensible comments from Bill.

If it was not so serious, it would be laughable, the incompetency shown in his running of the club.If some of the buffoonery he displays was written into a TV drama it would be dismissed as far fetched.

posted on 16/8/11

No matter how much certain posters on here enjoy showing they are loyal to Bill,and therefore better Evertonians than me,wait until you read the report from The Peoples Group,totally indefensible comments from Bill.

Is this a report on the meeting where no minutes or any form of notes were taken?

posted on 16/8/11

Well, I always keep an open mind, and if there is concrete evidence of skulduggery, then I'm sure I'll form an opinion accordingly.

I also agree that we need a new board, but I'm not so keen so see us thrust rudderless into the wild blue yonder. We need to have a fit and proper alternative ready to go before the current incumbents are gone.

When will this information be made public, and who is compiling/editing it?

posted on 16/8/11


HM, Skullduggery?,i never mentioned skullduggery.
Have you heard something i haven`t?

posted on 16/8/11

On a brighter note.

Several prominent,distinguished people, characters of the utmost dignity and honesty, were recently elected to a certain body.

Get the heart monitors ready chaps.

posted on 16/8/11

God knows, it seems he's been accused of pretty much everything from littering to ethnic cleansing if you believe some of the stuff on here......

All I know is until I see something which is verified as true that proves he's inept, or worse, I see no reason to fly off the handle and call for his head.

There is no denying he's done some good things for this club.

posted on 16/8/11

If I was a big girl, I'd show you a good time and the error of your ways CE...

I've given up on Crispy and trying to get answers out of him, so thought I would try and get some out of you on previous threads. You left me disappointed, I'll rethink my above statement for fear of the same

this winking thing is catching I've noticed

posted on 16/8/11

He has indeed done some good things for the club.
Bringing the manager on board was one of them.
In his defense,looking for positives for him,the ground issue is not down to his watch.
When we built the Main Stand we should have progressed the rest of the ground.
So you cant tar him with that particular brush.

As i say,my stance re Kenwright is not personal,i am of the opinion his time is up.

posted on 16/8/11

I`ll bet you would

posted on 16/8/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 16/8/11

I can only presume some of the irrregulars are off on thier jollies.

Take that kiss-me-quick `at off,and get back to business.

posted on 16/8/11

There was more concrete evidence at the trial of the Pendle Witches.

posted on 16/8/11


"Patience is a virtue".

It was written many years ago by a very wise sage.
He knew his onions

posted on 16/8/11

C.E. your "Humble Pie" reference made earlier today was disgraceful unacceptable and very hurtful Your elongated and belated way of trying to apologise further demonstrates your bad taste and indeed your response is another attempt to make fun of those with a disability.
If my sons could fly back from Cairns and Manitoba every other weekend,i know they would. That they only do so when they can afford to and than in itself demonstrates the fact that the economic recession is Worldwide and not limited to The U.K,Merseyside or the streets of Birkenhead or Walton.

posted on 16/8/11

Crispy started this off then did a runner or did his alter egos take over.

posted on 16/8/11


are you being serious there?
FFs it was a joke man.

posted on 16/8/11

You have a seriously warped sense of humour then.

posted on 16/8/11

Dont want to push it too far,as i think you may well be on the wind up

You said bread & gruel for dinner.

I said humble pie for dinner.
Please explain how that is making fun of disabled people.

posted on 16/8/11

You tried to use it as a double entendre and it failed on two counts the second being that i said "lunch".

posted on 16/8/11

Your sense of humour is in serious trouble.

And you do a disservice to fellow disabled people, who have no desire to be treated differently from anyone else.

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