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These 21 comments are related to an article called:

Fight of the century

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posted on 11/2/14

Rather an unpleasant thing to hope for.

Besides a heard it was called off.

comment by Azania (U19171)

posted on 11/2/14

No sympathy for the racist pr!ck if he's sent to meet his alleged maker earlier than expected.

comment by Azania (U19171)

posted on 11/2/14

It's still on

posted on 11/2/14

So you believe racists should be put to death?

posted on 11/2/14

Let's not forget Zimmerman was found not guilty in a court of law and they were privy to much more evidence in greater detail than we have been.

comment by Azania (U19171)

posted on 11/2/14

Natural justice. I'd like him beat down so him and Trayvon can cross paths one more time.

Plus a black kid would never get justice. Had zimmerman been black and Trayvon white, he'd be doing life.

posted on 11/2/14

Who's this Zimmerman guy? Heard his name on the news a few times...

posted on 11/2/14

Guns claims the lives of over 10000 American lives a year. That is the issue, according to the law Zimmerman did nothing wrong. He was trying to be a good citizens.

Trayvon loss of life is a tragedy but it is a problem with the laws and society not Zimmerman.

If you look through those 11000 gun victims of last year you will see many of them died by the actions of much more evil men, but you are not expressing your desire to bring your brand of justice to them.

As always Az the media influences your views far too much.

posted on 11/2/14

A very rarely watch the news and when I do it's usually for the weather forecast

It's incredible how many people are influenced by the media, I wouldn't believe them if they told me water is wet.

posted on 11/2/14

They even get the weather wrong as well Kamran.

Everyone has an agenda.

posted on 11/2/14

Yh I know D4, they've been saying it's gonna snow for weeks...

comment by Azania (U19171)

posted on 11/2/14

What part of "don't follow him" didn't zimmerman fail to understand? Had he listened to the cops, trayvon would still be alive.

Do you believe the israeli law will give justice to a Palestinian shot dead by the idf?

posted on 11/2/14


Check number 5

posted on 11/2/14

Not the first time Az has been duped by lies in the media and it certainly won't be the last.

comment by Azania (U19171)

posted on 11/2/14

I read that before. DMX has agreed to beat up the racist. Zim has agreed to try and stop him.

posted on 11/2/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/2/14

There not, Az has fallen for a hoax story, he be off trying to find the Loch Ness Monster next.

posted on 11/2/14

Hey Az I got some magic beans to sell you.

posted on 12/2/14

Nothing wrong with celebrity boxing matches, as long as both participants are trained to a competent standard, it is properly regulated and supervised and they leave the bad blood in the ring.

And any money raised by the event should go to charity.

posted on 12/2/14



posted on 12/2/14

Unlikely to happen due to the health problems of Mayweather.

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