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posted on 17/8/11

What a through ball that was as well.

posted on 17/8/11

Why did Wenger refuse to give a post-match interview?
Is he annoyed with Sky that they've caught him on camera talking to Boro Primorac?

To me thats just saying.....yep, I'm guilty!!!!!
He should have come out and gave a post-match interview. Now Arsenal face a fine!!

posted on 17/8/11

As several journos have pointed out, the idea of UEFA getting the narc on with Wenger is laughable after the capering Mourinho pulled when he was banned...

Wenger was told he could relay messages through his coach to an assistant.

At halftime UEFA said he was "pushing it". Apparently Wenger was incensed, later on in the evening, kicking in chairs and knocking down tables in a restaurant... He also refused a post match interview in an Alex Fergusonesque display of petulance and disgust at UEFA, who it has to be said, are becoming Wenger's nemesis!

posted on 17/8/11

The problem is that Wenger was stupid to sit in the stadium. Moruinho never does. But is in communication all the time. UEFA can't really do anything because Arsenal cleared it with them. So you can't change the rules half way (which they tried to do).

The rules will change for the next time. For example not being allowed in the stadium. Which again really won't do anything because most would do as Mourinho does and watch it on a big screen.

Storm in tea cup.

posted on 17/8/11

I read that Wenger believes the ban should apply to the media as well.

I know, I know...

posted on 17/8/11

Not so bothered about UEFA, doubt there will be further punishment as I don't see how they can prove categorically that he was passing messages. My issue is with Sky Sports, who didn't really need to continue to bring it to everyone's attention. They are after all there to show the match.

posted on 17/8/11

Agreed. You could understand if it was a foreign broadcaster but not Sky?!?!

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