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Gross misconduct?

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comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 23/3/14

From another forum about when Davies will go...

Soon hopefully. I've been as vocal as any for the stability shout but it's getting ever clearer that things are not right, and that over the course of the season Billy has proved to be the exact manager he appeared to be when he had his 'hands tied'- he is still as defensively minded, paranoid and egotistical as he has ever been, even when financially backed. He has well and truly cocked this job up - relationship with the chairman appears broken, he has certainly lost the majority of fans after yesterdays performance... and I'm not even referring to the team there; his refusal to acknowledge the fans is indefensible. The impressive thing is it has barely taken him a year to ruin it.

I don't buy for one second the virus story in regards Abdoun. To have an 18/19 year old on the bench ahead of him, with all but one creative player sidelined, is ridiculous- Davies flexing at it's most stupid. I'd have thought Djebbour is fit too; he certainly thought he was. Somewhere along the way the relationship between Fawaz and Davies has taken a huge hit, and it seems the transfers of these two are somewhat central to it. Now I don't buy they were brought in entirely by Fawaz- I would have thought it far more likely that they were recommended by Guediorra, subsequently scouted by the club and agreed at senior management level- ie they were'nt Davies targets but he agreed to them being brought in. However, once again (Boyd loan) it seems Davies has reacted negatively to this approach, and the toys have left the pram again. If all is to be believed numerous loan targets have been refused (again- de ja vu to the Pleat years) without any recommendations being made.

Add to this a manager that refuses to talk to the press, refuses access by them to his players and refuses to acknowledge the fans... be interesting to know if he is talking to his chairman too. I can't think of anyone else who has won so little that would be allowed to get away with that, especially whilst being bankrolled to the tune of nearly 10 million pounds and having a four year contract extension.

So yeah, Davies out, hopefully with nothing in the way of compensation as the referee incident will unpick his contract. It would be so much easier to put it down to our injury crisis (which is a factor in more than one respect- makes a mockery of the whole 'stay in the pack' routine we were continuously fed earlier) and defend the manager if it wasn't for his terrible attitude, his openness to declare he couldn't care less what anyone thinks of him and his ridiculously infantile approach to public relations. File unfinished business in the same bin as stability- neither will be ours anytime soon.

posted on 23/3/14

That just about sums up my feelings.

posted on 23/3/14

I agree with this so much it's like someone is reading my mind. Davies OUT!

posted on 23/3/14

Back 4 at the start of the season. lechaj, Hobbs Wilson, Cohen. We were solid as a rock.
Vaughn although we didn't play much when he did he had the ability to control the pace at which we play at. Reid and Landsbury speak for themselves. Also Davies has another four years n his contract. Presumably on £1million plus a season. To get rid of him would therefore cost eat last £3m- £4m including back room staff. Who pays for that? Fawaz? If so surely that cash is better off spent elsewhere? Player or ground improvements Rather than sacking a guy just because he ain't your cuppa tea. Looking to play the blame game instead of just accepting circumstances have contrived against us. Support your team fella. Ain't rosy all the same.

posted on 23/3/14

Gross misconduct, kicking bottle at referee. Job done.

posted on 23/3/14

Davies should never have been allowed back and, to be respectful to him, I'm sure if Fawaz had bought the club off Nigel Doughty rather than his estate then Davies would never have got a look-in.

I'll wager Fawaz is now reading the deluded delusional internet ramblings of the likes of SBD and Rev and realises he listened to the wrong fans a year ago

comment by (U18331)

posted on 23/3/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 23/3/14

He's correct though Rev. As tough as it may be for you, and your fellow happy clappers to take, the bloke has created a car crash.
He has had a blank canvas and produced a sheet potato print.

posted on 23/3/14

A well reasoned counterpoint there Rev. 666 will be unlikely to show his face around here again after that withering put down.

Speaking as a Derby fan I think you should definitely keep billy. He's doing a great job and he'll only need another 20 million pounds in the summer to ensure that you are play off hopefuls next season.

posted on 23/3/14

Car crash Srett. 7th in the league.

posted on 23/3/14

Lovely sunshine today, isn't it?

posted on 23/3/14

Will,between the storm clouds.

posted on 23/3/14


I mean, really?

Bore off fickle idjuts.

posted on 23/3/14

Owd Rev: can't delete and it's killing him!

Start another article!
He's gonna start another article!
Start another arrrrrrticle..


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