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What a sad situation we are in.

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posted on 23/3/14

You're spot on. Losing so many instrumental players has taken a massive toll on the season, but it would appear that our senior management team have decided to do nothing about it - or worse. Billy has said that it is down to his boss, and Fawaz has said that he hasn't been offered a list of any reasonable or suitable potential loan players.

It sounds like this relationship has been well and truly fractured and may be irreparable.

This is what's best for Forest - but short term or long term?

posted on 23/3/14

SBD what's wrong with you?

Why are you claiming to be the only forest fan who has any idea? Like you are some kind of 'pure' fan. You seems to think you are he only one who wants the best for forest?

I want the best for forest. But for me that means getting rid if Billy. Not necessarily now mind you. So stop with the martyr BS! It's not just BD's results is it? It's the way he acts. You need to understand people don't like him. If you want to accuse everyone of making their decision based on one game that's your problem but it's not how it is!

I would happily take Neil warnock Over billy cause he is a far far more successful manager than Billy. Billy cannot challenge for top two, never ha been able to. He can't build a team that can challenge properly and he can't get a team to score enough goals.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 23/3/14

Wumming? Because I don't agree?

Oh dear.

posted on 23/3/14

So SBD - I guess the question is will your next incarnation be SMM or SNA?

That's assuming that you meant Adkins, not Clough...

posted on 23/3/14

I don't know. I used to have my favourite player as my name.

E.g Super_JoeGarner was my first ever one.

Billy was first one for manager.

Don't know and don't care about it atm.

Also to reds are everywhere the reason I am so annoyed is that there is no justifiable reason after looking over the course of the season, injuries and where we are in the table for Billy to be sacked!

comment by (U18331)

posted on 23/3/14

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comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 23/3/14

Except the media fiasco, wasting money, bizarre team selections, ignoring the fans, same position as SoD when he was sacked.
I agree. Why would he be sacked?

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 23/3/14

44 Rev.

posted on 23/3/14

Is there anyone on here except me who isn't balding and pass their best yet?

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 23/3/14

I'm in my prime SBD.

Age brings wisdom

posted on 23/3/14

43 but got a full head of hair!!

posted on 23/3/14

Spoken like a true philosopher, Sensei. Or however you spell it!

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 23/3/14

I lied. I am 43 until June.
Forget my youthfulness.

comment by (U18331)

posted on 23/3/14

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posted on 23/3/14

SBD whatever happens we will all still be here generally pulling in same direction.
I won't, if Warnock's appointed, I'm outta this site


WTF? So if something happens that is completely out of your hands then you are going to leave this site?

Rev..you couldn't wait for SOD to get the sack. Any mistake and you were at him.

Personally I don't give a fig who managers the side as long as they do a good job.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 23/3/14

Sorry sir

posted on 23/3/14

SBD you don't seem to understand that's just you opinion. Other people have a different opinion.

I think he has had enough money to have been challenging for top 2 and he hasn't. It also
Looks unlikely we will get play offs . Therefor whether you like it or not there is reason to discuss his position. That's not including his bizarre behaviour!

comment by (U18331)

posted on 23/3/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 23/3/14

So you think our position has nothing to do with the injuries we may have.

You know that slight injury crisis we are having?

Don't worry though the new manager can get his magic fairy to get them all back tomorrow!

posted on 23/3/14

No but he may recall the one striker we have that has scored in the last month.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 23/3/14

From the Metro tomorrow...


posted on 23/3/14

Strett..age brings dementia and a weak bladder.
Cannot believe all this tripe about getting rid of our Billy and bringing in Warnock..has the world gone bleddy mad??

posted on 23/3/14

SBD we were not challenging before the injuries though? Plus he injuries are not as bad as your making out. We miss Lansbury and Reid but he others we can cope with.

Injuries are not why we have failed to Challenge for the three seasons he has been in charge. Also his play off record is pretty poor. When we have made too 6 we have been woeful in the play offs! Just not good enough! And then he acts like he is Alex ferguson! He just has no class!

posted on 23/3/14

In better news

Barca 4-3 Madrid, cracking game

posted on 23/3/14

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