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These 16 comments are related to an article called:

Where where you? Where where you

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posted on 9/4/14

I would say, Nev, without a shadow of a doubt, that on 9th April 1969 I was at my "wit's end" in trying to lay claim to an FA Cup Final ticket.

posted on 9/4/14

Watching our fa cup run!! I have been a supporter since we were Leicester fosse, before that i was part of King Richards army that lost in extra time on Bosworth Field, to our enemies from other clubs.Does that make me a better supporter, or do we have to go back further to the battle of Jewry wall to be a real fan!!
We are all blue whether we go to all games, some games, or a few games.

posted on 9/4/14

I'm pretty sure I'd just got my first six-string and played it 'til my finger bled.

posted on 9/4/14

I remember staging a protest along Fosse way 2,000 years ago when Our Roman owners sold us to a Viking contortium and changed our name from Ratae Corieltauvorum to Leicester

posted on 9/4/14

I was there in the long-ship on your left, between Birch and bernie.!!

posted on 9/4/14

I was there when the dinosaurs were playing football, we had a T-Rex in goal, true story.

posted on 9/4/14

Leicester Fosse? Bunch of Johnnie-come-latelys! I was a season ticket holder in the Leicester Ratae days. Vardimus Maximus and Nugius Davidius were up front as I recall.

posted on 9/4/14

Downs stood up on the train all the way down to london and back its so long ago my memory of it is in black and white.
Great stuff guys lets not get all Richard 3rd over all this true supporter poo.

posted on 9/4/14

my dad is harder than your dad and he was born in leicester so there

posted on 9/4/14

I think I didn't make the game as I was stuck in an uncompromising sexual position.

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 9/4/14

If you go to Beacon Hill, you can just make out my old scarf and rattle embedded in the ancient igneous rock outcrop at the top – look for the bit where the rock has a slightly blueish tinge.

posted on 9/4/14

Vulpes you are fibbing, I have caught you out, I know for a fact that rattles were banned in prehistoric times, they weren't allowed until the Roman era.

posted on 9/4/14

Nev. Nowt has changed. You're still likely to be standing on a train all the way down to London and back.

posted on 9/4/14

Vulpes has gone all Pre Cambrian on us.

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 9/4/14

Despite not being born I've recently discovered, under hypnosis, that in a previous incarnation I attended every post war Leicester City match up to 1969.This clearly makes me a better fan than all of you.

Then again in the spring of 1963 I did leave a match 5 minutes early so perhaps I was just a fair weather glory hunter. ??

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 10/4/14

Filbert Nutt, you must be thinking of the wooden rattle 'sonatis spurius' popularised by supporters of the famous Roma manager Claudius. The one I was referring to, was just some dried nuts in a desiccated pigs bladder on a stick.

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