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These 30 comments are related to an article called:

Passing Judgement

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posted on 10/4/14

They have no right yankari. However this is just another extension of self assurance which you see in many forms these days. The need to vocally put down others while elevating yourself is the simple psychology of insecurity. In this case expressing some sort of superiority when incorrectly judging fans they haven't seen before

Utterly pathetic

posted on 10/4/14

Ultimately, I don't care about the level of commitment of someone else but I do bridle if my own is questioned. It irks me that we can't all just be pleased about this season's success and accept new, old, first-timers or seasoned supporters.

posted on 10/4/14

Sorry to read this Yankari, just wanted to give you 5 stars for your article and for being one of the good guys on JA606 and a real true supporter, don't let anyone tell you otherwise ok.

posted on 11/4/14

This season has taught me 2 things:

1: We have a great manager who has put together a terrific team who have had an exceptional and ultimately successful season.

2: We have a small but irritatingly vocal section of 'supporters' who simply can not experience joy and excitement. No matter what the circumstances on the pitch they simply HAVE to find something to moan about. I wish they'd stop following, not someone like you!

posted on 11/4/14

Good use of the word bridle!

Unfortunately these fans will always exist, it a fact of life. You know you're a true supporter, we know you're a true supporter, people who don't know like to pass judgement.

But you can see why - there will be fans that have come along purely because of our success this year. In my view, that's fine, but others get frustrated by it. I personally enjoy the game more when the stadium is full of fans as opposed to half empty.

Unfortunately the only remedy for this is for you to let it wash over you and rise above it. It is they who are uneducated on this, not you.

Let's all have a Leicester hug and you an always ce here to be reminded that you shouldn't listen to the silly minority.

I welcome all fans to the ground, just as long as they don't eat their pies near Johngee of course

posted on 11/4/14

Ferry boy.
Unfortunately the only remedy for this is for you to let it wash over you and rise above it. It is they who are uneducated on this, not you.

No matey we the majority should remind the entitled few with a big smile on our faces to pyss off.

Sorry thats not right to Fuff off,no not getting there oh give them a big hug...phew feel the love

posted on 11/4/14

What I can't work out here is how did this lot dishing it out know or surmise you were only at the match on the 'one-off'? Presumably you've never seen them before. What's the chances of having the same people in the same queue week in or week out offering the opportunity to know who is a regular and who isn't?

If this is the case, then I had better prepare myself for a rocky ride ahead, though in equal terms, a prolonged absence is through no fault of mine.

posted on 11/4/14

I find this very annoying people judging on nothing they know about. It costs over £200 for me to even get to a game, and thats before I buy a ticket. I have been to around 5/6 games this season and 1 away game at Donny.

I just wish other fans would be happy that more fans are wanting to come and watch the team play. Why should it bother them if they have only come to watch when we are playing well, more money for the club that way.

posted on 11/4/14

There are probably around 7,000 tickets sold per game to leicester supporters that aren't season ticket holders.

These 7,000 aren't going to be the same 7,000 every game. These people for whatever reason do not have a season ticket so most will pick and chose the games they go to throughout the season. This is a completley normal thing

In the end who of the following is the mug?

The one who paid £25 - £30 a few times when we've been playing well or the one who has spent £1,000+ per year, going home and away over the years watching some right tosh?

posted on 11/4/14

A bit belatedly but congratulations on the promotion.

I've never really had a liking for Leicester, but respect where it's due. Played well all season and deserve the promotion. Good luck in the prem ............

posted on 11/4/14

I agree with all of the above, but I'd be interested to hear from someone that doesn't.

One of the things that I think gets confused is when these fans group everything they see into the same category: For instance, were the people leaving early on Tuesday exclusively "Johnny-come-latelies"? That's the way these fans would probably view it:
People I don't recognise fill out the stadium;
People I don't recognise file out the stadium when we're 4-0 down.
They haven't stayed to applaud the players so they can't appreciate what they've done this year: They must all be the same people! BOOO!
However, I don't believe that this is the case. Not only that, but the people who are filling out the stadium now will be seen in these quarters as people who are mere glory-hunters, and trying to sneak into a party for which they've had no invite. Again, I don't necessarily believe that to be the case and I think that's a very negative and exclusive attitude to take, but that will be the perception and that's what is getting these people so riled and causing them to start flinging abuse around.

Of course, there is another issue: The people who are now coming back when we're doing well will be seen in some quarters as ex-traitors who abandoned the team when we started to do badly instead of staying to support them when they were needed the most. I can understand this view, but I feel it's a very unpleasant attitude to hold and doesn't help with hopefully moving us on to a new era.

Overall, the abusers are doing what they are either because of being over-emotional or because, as BlackStarr said, of trying to assert dominance through insecurity. However, either way, it will be forgotten in time.

posted on 11/4/14

A great article Yankari I'm sure you've seen similar threads on the issue by myself and Nev to see that many of us are as equally appalled at the attitude of those who have hijacked the 'loyal supporter' brand for their own self-gratification and smug, big-headedness.

I do wonder if those who persist in deriding large sections of our fanbase are aware of the potential damage they are causing. Or maybe they are, and simply don't care. As one dimwit on Twitter said the other night; "why can't we reduce the stadium capacity to 20,000 and only have season ticket holders?".....

posted on 11/4/14

Foxello, how will these people cope if, god forbid we get to a cup final and are allocated 40,000 tickets?

posted on 11/4/14

Or, indeed, if we ever increased the stadium capacity to 45,000, as the owners have previously indicated.....

posted on 11/4/14

I would love the day I turned up at the KP to watch Leicester infront of 45,000

How could anybody not want that to be a reallity?

posted on 11/4/14

^ Someone may well want to correct me here but if I remember rightly, our allocation against Spurs in the 1999 Worthington Cup Final was 31-32,000 and theirs was in excess of that figure. We couldn't sell out our quota and those left over went to them so would City ever be able to dispose of 40,000 tickets?

posted on 11/4/14

We do have some rather worryingly judgemental and ,hypercritical fans.However there will be undoubtedly some unhappy fans who will expect that next season they can easily get tickets to our most attractive fixtures,and will then criticise the club when they cant.

posted on 11/4/14

I have just been called prawn sandiwch brigade for thinking fans don't have the right to take part in fake pithc invasions whenever they feel like it.
Don't they know i am Oysters and vintage champagne end of the pitch.
Is it something about L1 fans that makes them think they own our club ?

posted on 11/4/14

I've just replied to that tweet, Nev

The problem with L1 is that they have been given so much leeway by the club over issues like standing for the whole 90 minutes that they now think they own the place and have a divine say over how LCFC is run and supported.

posted on 11/4/14

Cheers Foxy that explains maybe some of the rightminded folk in there midst will get to rain their neck in before they alienate themselves from the rest of the city fans.

If they have stopped one fan from attending future fixtures i will be very pyssed off.

posted on 11/4/14

Us and them.
West stand vs L1.
Prawn sandwich vs pie.
Loyal vs Glory hunter.

My whole point is this is worrying language. We're all Leicester fans. Why are we judging each other base on our habits in fulfilling that fan status.

This is like world politics being played out in the micro-climate of our stadium.

What next - segregation between home fans to stop fighting breaking out between those who like to wear scarves and those that don't.

Or is this the outcome of success? We can't moan about that bloke running the team or that lot on the pitch - let's turn on each other.

Make love not war guys.

We're all Leicester - let's laugh at those Forest guys in stead and their weird red uniforms.

posted on 11/4/14

I feel your situation is common, Do you live anywhere near Andover?
If I go to all the matches in the south it can cost more than a yearly season ticket. I meet lots of Leicester exiles who live in the south we all support the foxes.
I had a season ticket for 22 years but can no longer justify the expense and travel.
Just ignore the stupid minority your support is much needed and appreciated.

posted on 11/4/14

Well this may be against the grain but while I didn't enjoy the segregative chanting nor did I join it, I did enjoy the atmosphere after some of the fans, for whatever their well entitled reasons, chose to leave the stadium.

It seemed to make the remaining fans louder like they were trying to prove they were actually fans or something, the noise created was immense. And I hope it can be replicated in the premier league.

Last season I had a season ticket in L1, this season due to cash restraints I've been a member, and sat in sk1 when otherwise buying tickets because it's been cheaper.

Next season I'll be a season ticket holder again, because my cash flow problems have eased. Despite being there for my team through thick and thin the majority of my life, I still now expect to receive some 'glory supporter' banter.

Sigh. Hope I'm wrong.

posted on 11/4/14

Thanks all.

Inilesta - Cheers. I was probably more wound up because of the effort expended in getting to the ground. LCFC are 'my' team (though not exclusively, of course) and nobody would be able to dissuade me from attending games.

Downsouf - They were comments from people not in the queue; the assumption being that the queueing fans didn't have season tickets ergo they were plastics.

Hairy - Actually yes! I live about 20 minutes from Andover.

Dunge - I can understand their perspective and sympathise, to a limited extent. It is the judgement that perplexes me; entirely based on presumption. It's not for me to dictate the behaviour of others, however, it is a shame that we can't all enjoy a full ground (whatever its composition) and be unanimous in our support.

Foxello - I did read the threads created by you and Nev - they reminded me how miffed I was on Tuesday night and prompted my own article.

Mersey -

posted on 12/4/14

In my opinion, there are a few people taking the banter style chants far too seriously - I can't imagine anyone sang them in a meaningful way - I believe it was a bit of harmless micky taking, done in just the same was as we do with our mates down the pub

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