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These 147 comments are related to an article called:

Who hates it most?

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posted on 18/5/14

DTM awoke on Christmas day and bought a gargantuan turkey

posted on 18/5/14

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)

posted 1 minute ago

5 european cups > 11 fa cups

1 Gerrard slip > 5 european cups > 11 fa cups

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 18/5/14

posted on 18/5/14

All of them are tied.

Spurs saying we cheated despite 4 penalty shouts (Santi x2, Huddlestone grab on Giroud and handball) They hate anything we achieve and now they hate the drought they're currently in

Chelsea because they know London's true greatest club are back and we'll resume being the best club this city have ever seen.

Liverpool because they wanted us to fall short just like them and obviously we've been going at it all year. They're still bringing up the 5-1 despite no trophy to show for their efforts . Whereas we knocked em out of the cup we won!

Bitterness is equal between them all.

posted on 18/5/14

Are the Cha v Wums still

posted on 18/5/14

I love it, it's because they can't use the 9 years since our last trophy comeback. Now they're trying to change it to 'only 1 trophy in 9 years'. Well guess what, spurs only have 1 trophy in 15 years and man city only 4 in 30 odd years.

posted on 18/5/14

are the Chelsea fans still at it?

posted on 18/5/14

Spurs are dealing with it the hardest, they are seriously rattled.

posted on 18/5/14

i dunno why you are lumping us in there.....

im.genuinly happy for wenger to lift a trophy and it dosent bother me at all......

or most of the scouse support id say

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 18/5/14

You know Jose was right

Great manager don't go 9 years without winning trophy

posted on 18/5/14

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted 1 minute ago

You know Jose was right

Great manager don't go 9 years without winning trophy

Jose He won fack all again

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 18/5/14

You guys accused Chelsea fans of being jealous

Show me one article that spite jealously about Arsenal on the Chelsea board?

Winning the FA cup still don't mean 5hite if u gonna get ferk by the big boys again next season

posted on 18/5/14

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted 6 minutes ago

You guys accused Chelsea fans of being jealous

Read through all the comments on this article on other articles on the Arsenal board and for some reason the numerous anti-Arsenal articles on the Chelsea board.

Why the bitterness and jealousy? I don't know.

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 18/5/14

Read through all the comments on this article on other articles on the Arsenal board and for some reason the numerous anti-Arsenal articles on the Chelsea board.

How is it anti arsenal? Light banter mate which I can't blame most arsenal fans you know

posted on 18/5/14

Winning the FA cup still don't mean 5hite if u gonna get ferk by the big boys again next season.

Yet u losers couldn't manage to win it

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 18/5/14

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted 6 minutes ago

You guys accused Chelsea fans of being jealous

Read through all the comments on this article on other articles on the Arsenal board and for some reason the numerous anti-Arsenal articles on the Chelsea board.

Why the bitterness and jealousy? I don't know.

This article was meant to provoke Chelsea fans so I can't said it was bitter comments

If you lot can't take banter than I feel sorry for the health of arsenal fans in the future

posted on 18/5/14

If you lot can't take banter than I feel sorry for the health of arsenal fans in the future

Like I said before the jealousy, the bitterness, the anger coming from Chelsea fans today is unreal.We are the bigger and better team, get over it, stop obsessing on our board

posted on 18/5/14

The stuff ive heard off u lot since yesterday make spurs fans look like saints
your bitterness is unreal.
Ive never seen anything like it.

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 18/5/14

If you lot can't take banter than I feel sorry for the health of arsenal fans in the future

Like I said before the jealousy, the bitterness, the anger coming from Chelsea fans today is unreal.We are the bigger and better team, get over it, stop obsessing on our board
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Chelsea is the 4th best club in the world!

The biggest club in London

First London club to win the UCL

So how can we be jealous of our NL rivals that just won their first trophy in 9 years? The FA cup

We won it 4 times in 9 years so how can Chelsea fans be jealous?

Right after winning you lot started giving stick to Jose about his comment on Wenger and you expect Chelsea fans not to respond? Jose is Chelsea and we do stand by him

posted on 18/5/14

If u didn't win the lottery you wouldnt have won any premier leagues or CL.

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 18/5/14

If u didn't win the lottery you wouldnt have won any premier leagues or CL.

Like signing Ozil you mean?

posted on 18/5/14

He won the fa cup in his first season
What did your JOKE signings win?

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