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These 26 comments are related to an article called:

Plea To Super-Psycho

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comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 21/5/14

I'm sure he'll donate, that boy is the picture of morality.

comment by Hoons (U5327)

posted on 21/5/14

I'm not condoning what SP did, a bets a bet, but does it make him any less moral than the rest of the folks on here, if he doesn't donate to this great cause, and no-one else does either?

No doubt he'll get unwarranted stick if he doesn't make a donation to CAP, now that it's been posted, but it's not really fair others giving him grief for not doing so, unless that person(s) put their money where their mouth is and make a contribution themselves.

Just sayin'

posted on 21/5/14

If the Rev paid someone else's debt then more fool him.

As for Christian Aid they might do some good but I don't agree with their politics.

posted on 22/5/14

Appealing to SBD's honourable side is like painting a nice picture for Stevie Wonder.

posted on 22/5/14

What are Christian aid's politics? I thought it was just about helping people?

-SBD won't do anything, he's said as much many a time and doing so now doesn't make him any less of a slimebag

posted on 22/5/14

Christian Aid do some great stuff, but the also promote religious doctrine in some of the places they provide aid. This has caused problems in the past. It's been suggested that they try to change the beliefs of people in the areas they visit, and in the past they have been accused of trying to discourage cultural practices that go against their religion. Depends what you believe really. Personally, I'd prefer to give to one of the many aid charities that don't have a link with religion. Each to their own, though. Giving to these is certainly better than not.

posted on 22/5/14

Having said that, I just clicked the link above and it looks like this is a completely different charity. So ignore me.

posted on 22/5/14

Cheers for the info SHH

posted on 22/5/14

If I know my religion, and I think I do, it's like that thing when the beggar gave his penny to the prodigal leper and it turned to wine which he used to douse a burning bush, and that.

posted on 22/5/14

The clue is in the name Manc

posted on 22/5/14

Jesus Army had a base where I used to live and they were geared up to helping homeless people and the like. Naturally they wouldn't gear them towards their beliefs as part of their help *cult* *cough*

posted on 22/5/14

You do realise that religious charities don't automatically try and push their religon on everyone don't you?

Some of them want to do good for goods sake and the fundamental point of christianity is to help people so I wondered why SSH had a problem.

posted on 22/5/14

mmmhm deep pockets and short arms?

posted on 22/5/14

A whole army committed to the cause of Jonathan Greening?!

posted on 22/5/14

"fundamental point of christianity is to help people"

It doesn't always work out like that does it? I wouldn't personally want to give to a charity that comes from a religion as I don't have one. Plus an organisation where my donation may go to over paid staff, chuggers in town centres or the people who have knocked on my door asking for a subscription. When I give to charity, it's causes close to my heart and it's direct

posted on 22/5/14

Whoops, wrong Christian charity

posted on 22/5/14

Nope it doesn't, but then the police don't always catch the crooks, doesn't mean we just give up on them

Who you give money to is your business, SHH has educated me a little on a charity that is obviously not worthy of that name, and shown that you wouldn't support any charity from a religon even if it was doing great work.

posted on 22/5/14

There is a lot of charities out there doing great work DM8, why do I need to support one that doesn't resonate with me?

posted on 22/5/14

You don't, Just wondering why your questioning why I asked a legitimate question?

posted on 22/5/14

"You do realise that religious charities don't automatically try and push their religon on everyone don't you?"

Maybe, it's worth looking into before you click "donate" though. Plus, for me personally it would be done in the name of something I don't believe in.

posted on 22/5/14

That's why I asked SHH what the problem with it was. I prefer to check on any charity before giving money as there's too many that are dodgy or spend most of the money on 'costs'

posted on 22/5/14

I'll ring The Igor Institute of Netiquette and tell them not to expect your subscription to be renewed then, Ray

posted on 22/5/14

Would you give to a charity done under the name of another religion? Maybe an Islamic one?

posted on 22/5/14

Yes, if it was legit.

If people are doing good it doesn't matter what the reasons are.

posted on 22/5/14

Fairy nuff. Maybe I'm to cynical but I think there has to be a reason for doing something under the umbrella of a belief, even if that's nothing more than a VERY casual promotional thing.

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