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These 19 comments are related to an article called:

The Tales Of Bungling Bill

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posted on 19/8/11

Amongst others "Amanda Stavely is looking for me"

Cant wait for the reply if Amanda comments

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 19/8/11

Mark then asked, “What’s Robert Earl’s interest in Everton?” Bill, “He bought the shares from Paul Gregg; he’s a brilliant marketer.” Mark, “But it hasn’t worked Bill….all we’ve seen is Rocky.” Barry, “Is it not in the interest of Robert Earl to come out and say I want to sell my shares?” Bill, “Well I’m speaking on behalf of Robert, Jon, Arthur and Philip; we’ve got the club, we own 75% of the Club”

Mark, “If we have no money now, we won’t have money next summer…” Bill, “I’m with you; I’ll be your president……sell the club…did you write it down for me? Simon, “I’ve written it down for you Bill, Keith Harris is going to sell the club ” Bill, “well write this down as well, Citi Bank, Deutsche Bank, Leon Angel, Keith Harris, Amanda Staveley. You’re saying to me, I’ve listened to you, I think you’re totally wrong in giving an exclusive to a guy, many are better than one guy; there has to be a reason nobody is buying Everton; there is a reason, there’s no money in the world, there’s no point in me being replaced, we need someone with money.”

Mark, “If we’re realistic then, you’re saying that there is no one out there…” Bill, “No I’m not, no I’m not; what I’m saying is that there is someone who I’m supposed to be meeting at 8pm tonight….. but he hasn’t rung me… but I’m always optimistic, because I’m an optimist…my doctor won’t let me be in charge in 5 years

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 19/8/11

Simon, “Well, that’s interesting Bill because there’s a large number of supporters who have suggested that maybe the way forward is to setup an interim board with the sole purpose of finding a buyer; would that be something that…?” Bill, “No, because I don’t agree that anyone can do a better job…it’s me, it’s me…get me Keith Harris on the phone love” (secretary). Mark, “You need to do an interview and tell that to people…”

fooo kin hell

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 19/8/11

Bill, “I’d be amazed if it was…haven’t you learnt something about accounts today? That knowledge is the best thing you can have…” Mark, “Well, apparently as we don’t understand, we’ve asked Robert Elstone for an idiots guide to the accounts.”

Simon, “Just going back to the finances, this conversation has gone all over the place…..you were saying before that you can account for where the money has gone…” Bill, “I didn’t say that, what I said was the accounts are there” Simon, “Yeah, I know and to be honest I don’t think that anyone is taking a salary out or anything, but one of the things that people are scratching their heads about is this rise in other operating costs, it’s gone from…” Mark, “It’s gone to £24m so there’s twenty odd million there that Evertonians don’t know about… what’s that’s going on; that’s why we’ve come here, we’ve asked Robert to fill us in…” Bill, “When you say other operating costs what do you mean?” Simon, “That’s what it says in the accounts, other operating costs” Mark, “That’s why there’s so much confusion, they’ve steadily risen….” Bill, “I’m sure… whatever accounts you get they go through the most stringent structure imaginable; It’s just a heading, what’s the heading again?” Mark & Simon, “Other operating Costs” Bill, “And how much is it?” Mark, “£24m” Simon, “And that has steadily risen over the…” Bill, “Hold on hold on; then you haven’t got the £53m for the players? Hold on, fifty three plus twenty four, well that leaves you four or five for the other………are these other operating costs David? I don’t know, I have no idea”

Mark “Well, surely as Chairman you should be aware what these other operating costs are?” Bill, “No, absolutely not, and why should I? I can’t break down the accounts for you…” Mark, “This is why some Evertonians are saying money is going missing” Bill, “Guys, listen, there’s the door if you think that…seriously, seriously

posted on 19/8/11

Hang on Crispy. Over a year ago you were the one saying that BK should employ Keith Harris to sort out a buyer for our club. I remember distinctly making an Orville gag. Don't deny that pal

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 19/8/11

I'm no fan Of Kenwright's mate Harris and never have been

posted on 19/8/11

Oh please. That's a lie Crispy. You and I know that.

Can I just say that that whole transcript actually paints Kenwright in a pretty good light. The guy says nothing wrong! He clearly hasn't seen the accounts printed in the manner we have. The 'Operating Costs' are a number of outgoings that have been grouped together after BK has seen seen a more 'stringent' breakdown.

I love the way these guys are trying to act straight with Bill while recording him. If they had any plans to build relations with the club then that's all out the window

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 19/8/11


posted on 19/8/11

"The whole transcript actually paints Kenwright in a pretty good light"

You should be in the next bed to him.

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 19/8/11

posted on 19/8/11

Maybe I should.

Out of all that lot, what do you think makes Kenwright look daft?

I think he comes across as really genuine throughout.

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 19/8/11

Where is the other PhillyBilly

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 19/8/11

Go on Bill I mean Phil change your login and talk to yourself

posted on 19/8/11

Ha. The old deflection tactics

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 19/8/11

Use them as well

posted on 19/8/11

Anyway, Crispy, back to your point mate...what was it again?

posted on 20/8/11

Spoken in a put on Cockney accent asking TPG to imagine if he asked Phillip Green to invest........

"Bill,Bill, the facking Liverpool fans would not buy from Top Shop.He is a genius Phillip,what Mozart is to music"

posted on 20/8/11

From the meeting ;

Bill " David could stop all this,i have asked him to make a statement telling everyone how good of a chairman i am"

As if on cue.........

posted on 20/8/11

Article should be re-written as tall tales of bungling Bill as not one sentence uttered has yet been proved

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