My protein . com whey isolate chocolate
Cheers admin.
Would you say it's necessary for a person with quite a high bf% like me, or should I stay away until I've cut down?
Yh I agree with A1, get my stuff from there.
Build your legs and back arms will come along with it
- Myprotein (cheap, good quality, large selection). Look on vouchercodes cos there are usually decent offers available.
- Whey isolate (less carbs & fat). Lots of nice flavours available.
- Take it straight after a workout. I like it with less water than recommended so its a bit thicker like a milkshake.
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Thanks for the advice guys
Think I'll get the whey isolate after all. It says theres slightly less protein in the chocolate one though.
Theres no way I'm buying pre-made protein shakes again, the last one i had gave me the shiiiits for 2 days. I'll just make it from the powder. Might throw a frozen banana in there too.
What I want to know is, is there any point taking the shake now? As hippo alludes to, im struggling a bit to get protein in my diet. Should I reduce my bf% first before taking it? Sorry if i sound noobish.
My student loan should be coming in soon too, so ill have a larger range of protein sources.
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Buying online tends to be a lot cheaper than the price you mentioned.
There are a few good sites to check out. Personally, I use:
MyProtein, Ironscience, and BulkPowders, depending on who has the best offers on at any one time.
Just go for one of the regular whey protein powders (Impact Whey from My Protein, and I think they're just called Whey Concentrate, or something like that, from the other two).
Regarding the flavour, I personally just go for Unflavoured, since it's a lot cheaper, and then if you want to flavour it, just use something like Nesquik.
I'm not sure if I can post this here, but I have discount/referral codes for each one if you decide you want to buy from one of the companies (I'm not shamelessly plugging; the reason I have these codes is because I rate/buy from these companies).
Like Hippo says, you should look into IIFYM or flexible dieting. Lyle McDonald has a very good primer on the subject:
The recommendations vary, but I think that, as a general rule consuming between 0.8g-1.2g of protein per lb of bodyweight is a decent guide to follow.
There's actually evidence that suggests a trainee benefits from higher protein intake when cutting fat, since this helps retain more muscle mass.
So personally, I'd recommend drinking shakes now if you're struggling to hit your protein requirements.
To cut your body fat, you really just need to burn more energy/calories than you consume. So work out roughly how much you're consuming at the moment, then cut your calories by 200-300.
That being said, new trainees can usually find that they can both lose fat and build muscle for the first few months of training, so it might be worth keeping your calories about the same, but adjusting your macronutrient targets (increasing protein, for example) and beginning weight training.
Hope this helps, and best of luck Let me know if you have any questions.
Depends what you want bud, but dont supplement protein shakes for meals IMO, have them as a booster if you can't fit your Macros.
MyProtein is easily the best for cheap reliable protein but it depends what your body can tolerate and handle. If you do have whey protein (which is probably the best) never have it with just water as your body will pîss most of it out as it can only consume 10g/hour of whey (average male, forget the link off of the top of my head).
Creatine is the thing I recommend most highly, great for extra gym energy/strength/ and makes your pump look better. Have to drink a lot of water when you take it, and have to cycle it, but it basically just feeds more water to your muscles.
To decrease your body fat % Fasted LISS and HIIT are key. HIIT can be a bit knackering, so if you can be ar.sed go for an hour walk on an empty stomach (or on just BCAA's) and your fat basically falls off. The aim for LISS is to keep your heartbeat at ~130 for a long time.
ANYWAY, I can't have whey anymore as am lactose intolerant so have to have protein from isolates.
I also have Micellar Casein which provides a different kind of protein as well.
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Protein Powder Questions
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posted on 23/6/14
My protein . com whey isolate chocolate
posted on 23/6/14
Cheers admin.
Would you say it's necessary for a person with quite a high bf% like me, or should I stay away until I've cut down?
posted on 23/6/14
Yh I agree with A1, get my stuff from there.
Build your legs and back arms will come along with it
posted on 23/6/14
- Myprotein (cheap, good quality, large selection). Look on vouchercodes cos there are usually decent offers available.
- Whey isolate (less carbs & fat). Lots of nice flavours available.
- Take it straight after a workout. I like it with less water than recommended so its a bit thicker like a milkshake.
posted on 24/6/14
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posted on 24/6/14
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posted on 24/6/14
Thanks for the advice guys
Think I'll get the whey isolate after all. It says theres slightly less protein in the chocolate one though.
Theres no way I'm buying pre-made protein shakes again, the last one i had gave me the shiiiits for 2 days. I'll just make it from the powder. Might throw a frozen banana in there too.
What I want to know is, is there any point taking the shake now? As hippo alludes to, im struggling a bit to get protein in my diet. Should I reduce my bf% first before taking it? Sorry if i sound noobish.
My student loan should be coming in soon too, so ill have a larger range of protein sources.
posted on 25/6/14
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posted on 26/6/14
Buying online tends to be a lot cheaper than the price you mentioned.
There are a few good sites to check out. Personally, I use:
MyProtein, Ironscience, and BulkPowders, depending on who has the best offers on at any one time.
Just go for one of the regular whey protein powders (Impact Whey from My Protein, and I think they're just called Whey Concentrate, or something like that, from the other two).
Regarding the flavour, I personally just go for Unflavoured, since it's a lot cheaper, and then if you want to flavour it, just use something like Nesquik.
I'm not sure if I can post this here, but I have discount/referral codes for each one if you decide you want to buy from one of the companies (I'm not shamelessly plugging; the reason I have these codes is because I rate/buy from these companies).
Like Hippo says, you should look into IIFYM or flexible dieting. Lyle McDonald has a very good primer on the subject:
The recommendations vary, but I think that, as a general rule consuming between 0.8g-1.2g of protein per lb of bodyweight is a decent guide to follow.
There's actually evidence that suggests a trainee benefits from higher protein intake when cutting fat, since this helps retain more muscle mass.
So personally, I'd recommend drinking shakes now if you're struggling to hit your protein requirements.
To cut your body fat, you really just need to burn more energy/calories than you consume. So work out roughly how much you're consuming at the moment, then cut your calories by 200-300.
That being said, new trainees can usually find that they can both lose fat and build muscle for the first few months of training, so it might be worth keeping your calories about the same, but adjusting your macronutrient targets (increasing protein, for example) and beginning weight training.
Hope this helps, and best of luck Let me know if you have any questions.
posted on 6/7/14
Depends what you want bud, but dont supplement protein shakes for meals IMO, have them as a booster if you can't fit your Macros.
MyProtein is easily the best for cheap reliable protein but it depends what your body can tolerate and handle. If you do have whey protein (which is probably the best) never have it with just water as your body will pîss most of it out as it can only consume 10g/hour of whey (average male, forget the link off of the top of my head).
Creatine is the thing I recommend most highly, great for extra gym energy/strength/ and makes your pump look better. Have to drink a lot of water when you take it, and have to cycle it, but it basically just feeds more water to your muscles.
To decrease your body fat % Fasted LISS and HIIT are key. HIIT can be a bit knackering, so if you can be ar.sed go for an hour walk on an empty stomach (or on just BCAA's) and your fat basically falls off. The aim for LISS is to keep your heartbeat at ~130 for a long time.
ANYWAY, I can't have whey anymore as am lactose intolerant so have to have protein from isolates.
I also have Micellar Casein which provides a different kind of protein as well.
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