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These 29 comments are related to an article called:

Can utd have been so wrong?

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posted on 29/6/14

Didn't give him away, the guy wouldn't sign a contract so he was able to walk away for nothing. He didn't get the playing time he wanted or thought he deserved. I think it might have been down to the guys attitude, him wanting a big pay rise, United wanting him to prove it first. Without him willing to commit, United were unwilling to play him as much.

Can understand both sides, United knew he was good, but with the problems with Morrison around the same time, they were perhaps unwilling to shell out on a big contract on a youngster who probably wasn't showing a mature enough attitude. From Pogba's side, he'd seen the likes of Phil Jones and Chris Smalling come in from outside and at a similar age, and be handed big contracts.

IMO it would be a big call for anyone right now to spend such a sum on him.

posted on 29/6/14

Pogba is worth it, as a midfielder he still has 12 years in him. That's £5m a year to write down, easy enough.

Pogba was a massive mistake, maybe he wound Fergie up the wrong way, all this "proving" himself is nonsense when Fergie splashed £7m on Bebe.

posted on 29/6/14

60 mil is way too much. I think 35 mil plus mikel would be perfect business for Chelsea. mikel is on 100 k p/w anyway so signing pogba for next 6 years would mean investment of 6/7 mi per year.

posted on 29/6/14

United have been wrong about plenty of players in the past so there is no reason why they can't be again, however 60m is probably about 20m over fair value for Pogba.

posted on 29/6/14

It's not just about money.

You have to try and collect the best players in the world in each position at that level.

Pogba will be the best in the world in his role for 5-10 years. Nearest in ability to Yaya Toure.

£60m isn't too much as a long term investment

posted on 29/6/14

Utd wouldn't play him so he left. I don't really think it was down to money. Not worth 60 mill yet

comment by Bruno (U1664)

posted on 29/6/14

Right instead of Wrong?

posted on 30/6/14

comment by SWTN Biggish (U7916)
posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
United have been wrong about plenty of players in the past so there is no reason why they can't be again, however 60m is probably about 20m over fair value for Pogba.

Apart from Pogba, who?

posted on 30/6/14

are u feckin serious to even ask that?You can't know much about your club

posted on 30/6/14

Educate me my good man, who are these players we have let go from our youth team.

posted on 30/6/14

I didn't say let go, so you should read more carefully, I said United have been wrong about plenty of players in the past, that refers to purchased players as well as players sold.

posted on 30/6/14

And here is a list of both the and the bad


posted on 30/6/14

good and the bad

posted on 30/6/14

Do you want me to post a Chelsea list?

posted on 30/6/14

Also, the discussion was primarily about a young player who Utd let go.

Why the need to expand the discussion?

posted on 30/6/14

The article headline asks says "Can United Have Been So Wrong?"

I think my response is fairly relative to that question and even if it isn't, the idea that you seem surprised that a discussion would expand is a bit concerning, especially when you yourself just attempted to do so by mentioning Chelsea's transfer history

posted on 30/6/14

I mentioned Chelsea's transfer history when you expanded the debate.

Your article is about Pogba and how we could have got it so wrong. The debate has been about letting a youth player go. When I asked you for examples, you probably did not have any then you expanded the debate to areas not discussed.

When you expanded it, I followed suit.

posted on 30/6/14

Which shows how natural it is for a topic of discussion to expand and why I am so surprised you would even raise the issue about it.

posted on 30/6/14

and it is not my article, someone else wrote and the theme is hwo could United have made a mistake about a player and my point is they have made mistakes about plenty of other players so why not this one?

posted on 30/6/14

All clubs have made mistakes in the transfer market, so to expand it would have been pointless as we all have screwed things up.

posted on 30/6/14

Well i wasn't actually expanding that theme anyhow, as i said it was relative, but the idea that you think expanding discussions is something strange or indeed negative is weird........

Just seems to be you are a little oversensitive and took my commnet as some dreaful slight agst your club, it wansn't.

posted on 30/6/14

Here is a phrase from the OP's article since you are so against any post that has no direct link to his words..........

"i find it improbable that utds scouting and talent folk could have been that wrong."

now tie that to my original response and the headline of the article and you will see it is very relevant. But even if it wasn't.... so what?

posted on 30/6/14

I am not sensitive, I asked a simple question. You said we have got it wrong and I asked you to prove it and even gave you the criteria to use.

How is that being sensitive?

posted on 30/6/14

Why would you dictate the criteria to me of a point I had already made previously to a criteria set by the OP?

And why respond at all to what was a harmless post just staing the obvious demanding proof?

posted on 30/6/14

By the way are you are getting how discussions naturally expand by now?

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