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If you want further proof of ref bias

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posted on 21/8/11

......... Straw clutching at it's worst !

comment by Eboue (U3815)

posted on 21/8/11

Straw clutching at it's worst !

The linked article is quite interesting actually

posted on 21/8/11

If one is paranoid and,or digging for excuses that is !

comment by Eboue (U3815)

posted on 21/8/11

To think the referees make mistakes that effect your league position is not paranoid.....

posted on 21/8/11

Referees make mistakes like all humans do. However, it's no coincidence that you don't hear many complaints when these mistake are in your favour !

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 21/8/11

"every decision in the past three or four months has gone against our club".

Arsenal fans, you manager is an idiot.

comment by Eboue (U3815)

posted on 21/8/11

Yes but the assumption that they even themselves out is a bit silly. This report suggests city gained 9 points, thats ridiculous

posted on 21/8/11

........and how many point's did they lose ?

posted on 21/8/11

Chelsea have had just as bad luck as Arsenal with regards to refereeing decisions. Against WBA and Stoke we've had 4 stonewall penalties not given, in addition to that the only goal we've conceded was a handball yet the media refuse to talk about it

posted on 21/8/11

The lack of acknowledgement of the poor refereeing descisions that have cost Arsenal in 2011 leaves me speechless. Its as though the media, fans everyone covers their eyes and ears when blatant things are right in front of them. it fustrates me more than anything.

the article suggests arsenal would have gained 4 points but there were a lot more pathetic refereeing calls that have been left out so the true gain would be a lot more. do all you brainwashed massess realise that united could have finished below arsenal if for fair refereeing?

Closely behind arsenal are chelsea who have also been at the end of many disgusting calls. again covered up the brainwashed masses fail to see.

already this season arsenal have had a stonewall pen denied a debatable red card, lack of red card for barton an offside goal and thats only after 2 games. these events have all affected the points gained.

but surely the bad descsions will end soon. who do we have next in the prem? oh......

posted on 21/8/11


If it were United and Liverpool in our shoes you can bet your bottom dollar Fleet Street would be going mental and officials would start to lose jobs etc

posted on 21/8/11

......... It works both ways, for you, as well as against you !

posted on 21/8/11

^ Although this article suggests that more often that not, it has gone against Arsenal.

posted on 21/8/11

The thing is not much notice is taken when decisions go for you !

posted on 21/8/11

Oh please. It's never Arsenals fault, the League is against you! Over the course of say, Wengers reign, you have built an appalling red card record. You have probably received some of the dodgiest penalties possible too. Look at the way you are playing, your bet spend so far this window and some of your injuries to realise the real reason you are not playing well.

posted on 21/8/11

"The thing is not much notice is taken when decisions go for you !"

But this study wasn't carried out by an Arsenal fan feeling indignant; the study was conducted using 250 hours worth of footage.

posted on 21/8/11

Net spend*

posted on 21/8/11

For every decision that is going against one team, isn't it more often than not, therefore going FOR the other ?

posted on 21/8/11

Yes, and this study takes that into account.

comment by Eboue (U3815)

posted on 21/8/11

And that means what exactly? we are talking about the differing in regularity between decisions going for or against particular teams

comment by sagna (U6693)

posted on 21/8/11

but surely the bad descsions will end soon. who do we have next in the prem? oh......

posted on 21/8/11

Pathetic argument, pathetic manager, pathetic club.

Arsenal are a busted flush, simple as, no conspiracy, you've just not got any good players left.

posted on 21/8/11

I'm sorry but the article is useless. It cannot and does not take into account all desicions and therefore cannot give a true reflection (penalty calls etc). It also only focuses on the top 4. How do we know you wouldn't have been caught by a team outide of the top 4.

posted on 21/8/11

I'm sorry but the article is useless. It cannot and does not take into account all desicions and therefore cannot give a true reflection (penalty calls etc).
Yes it does. You should read it.

It also only focuses on the top 4.
No, it doesn't. You should read it.

posted on 21/8/11

To all those defending what seems to be a study with at least an attempt at accuracy and fairness - you're wasting your breath trying.

It's just become too easy and comfortable for supporters to parrot the anti-club angst they've read in the red-tops or online. That way, if they despise the manager and push for him to be changed, they can ignore the fact that Arsenal are not one of the PL elite anymore.

Then the replacement manager fails, as does another one, and another. Rinse, wash, repeat.

The story of football supporters down the ages.

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