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These 32 comments are related to an article called:

We Should Break The Bank For W. Carvalho

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posted on 5/8/14

Had commented on another thread in regard to Carvallo.

Due to Sporting's dire financial situation (and the bank that own 40% of him) if AFC are interested we won't need to "break the bank"

posted on 5/8/14

Portuguese clubs rarely sell cheap so likely we'll have too to get him, financial difficulties or not.

He's that young and with tons of potential they probably see him as a meal ticket, but I agree a serious bid in the mid £20m range might make them consider, if they really are in financial trouble.

posted on 5/8/14

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? (U3126)
posted 3 minutes ago
Had commented on another thread in regard to Carvallo.

Due to Sporting's dire financial situation (and the bank that own 40% of him) if AFC are interested we won't need to "break the bank"

Still, we should break the bank on this guy just to show the world of football world that we mean business.

Even if it isn't particularly sound business.

posted on 5/8/14

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? (U3126)
posted 5 minutes ago
Had commented on another thread in regard to Carvallo.

Due to Sporting's dire financial situation (and the bank that own 40% of him) if AFC are interested we won't need to "break the bank"
Multiple ownerships. Not as easy as you think. Although I am not sure breaking the bank would mean these days. I suppose our limit would be £60m on a player.

posted on 5/8/14

Breaking the bank is always sound business

posted on 5/8/14

The banks are already broken. And still not fixed.

posted on 5/8/14

That ability to stop time, ala Zack Morris' in 90's High School rite of passage series 'Saved by the Bell' is something you can't teach a player, they either have it or they don't! Wenger would be mad as a lorry to pass up on the chance to square the circle and make Carvalho an Arsenal player before it's too late and Bayern Munich or Barca make him theirs, forever!

posted on 5/8/14

Pat Rice

Sporting are e400m in debt, and have been incurring losses for a decade.

Carvalho is also 40% owned by a Portugeese bank who also are in financial difficulties and are said to be pushing for a sale and a return on their 400k investment.

Also believe that Carvalho's salary is 8k a week, so knowing AW he will ask player to take a pay cut

posted on 5/8/14

Also believe that Carvalho's salary is 8k a week, so knowing AW he will ask player to take a pay cut

posted on 5/8/14

With the growing interest in the US America in the sport soon to be formally known as football, YouTube 'clips' will no doubt soon actually be entire matches, just with the adverts edited out.

If this guy already looks good on YouTube, signing him will put us ahead of the other football clubs pack.

posted on 5/8/14

Multiple ownerships. Not as easy as you think.
i hate these, personally i think they shouldn't be allowed

posted on 5/8/14

comment by Real_Aus_Gooner (U9471)
posted 15 seconds ago
Multiple ownerships. Not as easy as you think.
i hate these, personally i think they shouldn't be allowed

I agree. The missus thinks my cd collect is 'ours'.

So annoying.

posted on 5/8/14

I've only known one player to look good on YouTube but turn out pants in real life and that's Gervinho

posted on 5/8/14

Kanu scored a hat trick against Chelsea. Has Giroud scored one against them yet? He has been here for two years.

posted on 5/8/14

oops wrong thread

posted on 5/8/14

You are right Mr Rice, people jump he gun too quickly. From what I have seen he is another De Jong, good player but not worth £30m.

posted on 5/8/14

Kanu believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Choice

posted on 5/8/14

comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Real_Aus_Gooner (U9471)
posted 15 seconds ago
Multiple ownerships. Not as easy as you think.
i hate these, personally i think they shouldn't be allowed

I agree. The missus thinks my cd collect is 'ours'.

So annoying.

No such thing as a pre-nup in England. She owns it all.

posted on 5/8/14

Totally agree. This guy is just what we need. Reminds me a bit of Gilberto. If we sign him that should be our transfer business done and I would be more than happy with that.

posted on 5/8/14


Ox Theo

Gibbs Debuchy
Kos Mert


My only worry in that team would be Mert's lack of pace.

posted on 5/8/14

" amazing ability to stop time and highlight himself just before receiving the ball, this kid looks a star"


Does anyone know anything about Joseph Guilavogui who we are linked to (beyond the fact that he joined Atletico Madrid and flopped)?

posted on 5/8/14

comment by Arshavin's Legacy (U10307)
posted 14 minutes ago

Ox Theo

Gibbs Debuchy
Kos Mert


My only worry in that team would be Mert's lack of pace.
Not much width in that team.

posted on 5/8/14

I think Gibbs and Debuchy would keep running into Kos and Mert as they track back.

posted on 5/8/14

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 8 minutes ago
I think Gibbs and Debuchy would keep running into Kos and Mert as they track back.
Yeah that didn't quite turn out as I anticipated but it could be a revolutionary new formation

posted on 5/8/14

2-2-1-1-1-2-1...can't see it taking off, unless pitches are made narrower and longer.

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