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Costa Booking

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posted on 19/8/14

the rules baiscally.
probably something to do with the fact that there are that many bookings, they dont have the time to sit there and watch them all back.

posted on 19/8/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 19/8/14

It's part of the game, and something you have to life with.

Didn't Fletcher miss out on the CL final, for a booking that should never have been given?

As everyone says, these decisions do seem to even themselves out over the season.

posted on 19/8/14

You would then have to review every booking. And bookings are not always straight forward, so basically every game would have to be analysed for the full 90 minutes.

posted on 19/8/14

I would just increase the threshold to account for margin of error.

But do you then go and retrospectively book players who should have been booked and got away with it?

posted on 19/8/14

It is the rule but it is also a completely pointless rule.

If a ref has made a mistake and whether the wrong action was a red, yellow, foul or not every team should be able to challenge the call, as long as it was obviously wrong.

Even if the FA had to review every yellow (which they clearly aren't) then is that really going to take that long. Have a panel, every Tuesday or whatever they go over every contentious decision and make a judgement there and then, done.

posted on 19/8/14

Am i the only one that thought he did dive? Full speed replays even showed it looked a blatant dive

posted on 19/8/14

Couldn't someone invent some spray foam product to ensure it doesn't happen again

posted on 19/8/14

But do you then go and retrospectively book players who should have been booked and got away with it?



Also, what if the yellow card has an impact on the result?

Rafael (using another United example) a few seasons ago, against Bayern. After reviewing the footage, the committee decide Ribery is just a and Rafael shouldn't have been given the 2nd booking.

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 19/8/14

I thought he dived aswell.

Dont think that the FA should be reviewing all yellow cards, mistakes happen thats part and parcel of Football.

posted on 19/8/14

I was only thinking the clear cut cards, the Fletcher card versus Arsenal in the semi-final is a good example.

Perhaps a club gets say, 3 appeals a season and if the appeal is considered ferocious then you lose an appeal?

posted on 19/8/14

When would an appeal be considered "ferocious"?
"Frivolous" at best.....

posted on 19/8/14

comment by Villain of the Peace (U19898)
posted 7 seconds ago
When would an appeal be considered "ferocious"?
"Frivolous" at best.....

Spell check

posted on 19/8/14

comment by _Viva_la Nemanja Vida (U6044)
posted 21 minutes ago
Am i the only one that thought he did dive? Full speed replays even showed it looked a blatant dive
yes because you didn't watch the actual replay of the event which showed he clearly didn't dive

posted on 19/8/14

Looked quite clear to me, even from the first view at full speed.

posted on 19/8/14

I think a Club could be entitled to appeal a yellow card, but that should they fail the player automatically receives another to his sentence- that could prevent people from wanting every single one reviewed and leave the FA to deal with the one's Clubs are confident in?

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 19/8/14

I thought he dived. Dont blame the ref for thinking the same.

posted on 19/8/14

I was only thinking the clear cut cards, the Fletcher card versus Arsenal in the semi-final is a good example.
The problem is who decides to appeal? If it is the club then it will never work.

I feel it should be a decision made by a independent panel such as one that reviews ref performance and they should only apply to obvious clear as day ref error.

posted on 19/8/14

comment by the GINGER PRINCE'S apprentice (U13920)
posted 27 seconds ago
I was only thinking the clear cut cards, the Fletcher card versus Arsenal in the semi-final is a good example.
The problem is who decides to appeal? If it is the club then it will never work.

I feel it should be a decision made by a independent panel such as one that reviews ref performance and they should only apply to obvious clear as day ref error.
Maybe it should be down to an official to say, okay, I got that one wrong?

It would give the officials far more respect from the players and public, plus take huge amounts of pressure off them.

Then this leads into the fact that if an official admits a mistake, his marks get dropped and he isn't picked for big games.

The whole system is a it of a farce really

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 19/8/14

And if that independent fails panel to review a card which some feel was wrong, they will be accused of all kinds of bias.

Unworkable imho.

posted on 19/8/14

To be suspended you need what 4 or 5 bookings? You might get one dodgy booking but not 5. If you end up getting suspended, you probably deserve it.

posted on 19/8/14

football is a mess already. dont review yellow cards.

posted on 19/8/14

comment by Wild_ Rover (U5211)
posted 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
To be suspended you need what 4 or 5 bookings? You might get one dodgy booking but not 5. If you end up getting suspended, you probably deserve it.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 20/8/14

Definitely time for the FA to look at this.

It's actually absurd that yellow cards can't be rescinded.

Is there a single good reason why they shouldn't be? I can't think of one.

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