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Shows your true credentials!

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posted on 24/8/14

Pol this is why I dont vote for the likes of you to have an opinion <luagh>

posted on 24/8/14

Tim - you hold no barrs for me! So yes my good man! I would meet you in person! Shoudl you be allowed torefrain from your signing on! I question your self worth! You imply you have a child with an "easy" do you pay for the upkeep or do you spawn ellsewhere? your parent alive or not must be so proud!!!

posted on 24/8/14

Ally McCoist comes across as a genuinely nice guy. Granted a shìte manager which many of us are glad.

You do not deserve to use his user name.

What you just said to Tim about manning up about his mother's passing is a new low for this site.

Kindly fùck off you prìck

posted on 24/8/14

"Ally McCoist comes across as a genuinely nice guy. Granted a shìte manager which many of us are glad."

I'm no

posted on 24/8/14


Like i said everyone will get to see what he is really like.

He has brought up my mother passing on quite a few occasions to try and get a rise out of me,perhaps it has worked in the past but tbh it's water off a ducks back now.

Guy is a worthless coward

He has certainly showed his true credentials

posted on 24/8/14

The guy either has issues of grandeur or is a wànker

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 24/8/14

Well thats Celtic done it as welll plus we have also donated to charity.


posted on 24/8/14

comment by Super Ally - Advocate of a cull of the yessers (U18916)
posted 4 hours, 46 minutes ago
Timinator- you lost a parent

man up fella!!!!

Thats life!


I'm seriously starting question wether you are autistic or something. Thats the only way i can fathom how u don't understand how the things u say are out of line.

U dont seem able to tow the line between banter and offence.

comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 24/8/14

You are the yes campaigns biggest advert.

Can I please remind people that voting no neither makes you a tory nor a snob.

I truly believe these rants will push people who are unsure to vote yes ally.

And c'mon you might disagree with things he says but what's his maw got to do with it?

Did you know her?
Do you know anything about her?
Makes you look like you've got too angry at the computer chair and lost it.
Take a step back and think about the effect that could have on people

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 24/8/14

I've just read through this thread

Kinda wish I hadn't now.

Keny for keeping cool.

This is the hardest time (Ibrox disaster aside) it has ever been to be a Rangers fan.

It has been difficult at times to come on here and face the music, although far from perfect I've tried to face the banter/abuse with some humour and tried to 'represent' Rangers fans (if that isn't a wánkish thing to say/do)

To do this on here, at this time is made even more difficult by competing with a roaster of gargantuan proportions like the absolute whelp who created this thread.

And given that I rarely insult people on here (and mean it) I'm sure you'll take that as a compliment

Have a feckin word with yourself....

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 24/8/14

Why would you vote no?

Do you honestly think the status quo is working? Look at the unemployment then compare that to tory heart land in the south east of England.

At least when we become an independent country the politicians will actually care about the people because they will be from that country.

posted on 24/8/14

De bear

I like a laugh on here, but i don't attack peoples personal lives, i make daft song articles if someone says a fatty joke, it kinda bores me now but itl continue anyway.

posted on 24/8/14

I've only read the first page of this but Ally you want to have a look at yourself ffs. That was well out of order.

comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 24/8/14

I'm jealous of the amount of time Keny gets with his child.
I'm only getting mine on a Sunday

What you fail to realise is this is almost always not by choice.

I'm regularly returning to court to see more of her.

I'm sure if Keny could swap the rest of his life to see his daughter he would too.

Both of us are also working, but that doesn't really suit the agenda or the ridiculous stereotype you've invented.

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 24/8/14


Posters who exploit/use personal information to win arguments are clearly desperate.

It's a clear sign they are beaten.

Play the post, not the poster....

posted on 24/8/14


Its been no picnic mate and has required a constant amount to persistence on my part, though conversations we have had before i realise that it could have been a lot worse, i'm fortunate my daughters mother lacks potential sitters.

comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 24/8/14

comment by JFK - Bergets beard (U8919)
posted 12 seconds ago

Its been no picnic mate and has required a constant amount to persistence on my part, though conversations we have had before i realise that it could have been a lot worse, i'm fortunate my daughters mother lacks potential sitters.

Your daughter will reap the benefits of your persistence.

I'm away to pick up mine.
Maybe I should kidnap her then ally will see me as more responsible and not a part time parent.

I'm really annoyed at myself for speaking up for super previously,, particularly during jinklegate

posted on 24/8/14

Enjoy mate, pollok park has something on today btw might be worth looking that up as something to do

His issues mate, perhaps thinks himself as better than others, without knowing other peoples situation

comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 24/8/14

Cheers mate

And remember don't shirk your responsibilities

posted on 24/8/14

I'll do my best mate.

Let us both strive to meet ally's expectations so we too can be kings of our own self righteous p.ish

posted on 24/8/14

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posted on 24/8/14

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posted on 24/8/14

Tbh curly im not fussed, every now and then ally shows his true colours, it was the same when he outed jungle, they all knew but decided to keep it to themselves to spare any further problems for jungle in terms of his mental health, until one day some celtic fans were slagging ally so he lashes out and reveals jungle while painting all celtic fans the same.

He lacks patter so goes for personal attacks, its to be pitied tbh

posted on 24/8/14

Pointy, i called the post sad at first because its one of many, its just a really sad post

posted on 24/8/14

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