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These 40 comments are related to an article called:

The Last Of Us

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comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 2/9/14

Please stop these articles

Im waiting to get a PS4 and want to play the remastered version of this..

but so tempted to get teh PS3 version so I can get started now

posted on 2/9/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 2/9/14

When Ellie kills Joel?

comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 2/9/14

w 4nk 3r

posted on 2/9/14

I thought Joel got mauled by a giraffe?

posted on 2/9/14

No that black chick got mauled by a giraffe

posted on 2/9/14

That giraffe was a monster of a boss battle

posted on 2/9/14

I picked up a couple of weeks back as I never played it on PS3 ,but all I can say is "Grounded" mode is super hard I never usually have any ammo or health packs in every area. im up to the sewer part with the Stalkers & Clickers so far, really great game though.

posted on 2/9/14

comment by Toxteth Blueboy (U1320)
posted 22 minutes ago
I picked up a couple of weeks back as I never played it on PS3 ,but all I can say is "Grounded" mode is super hard I never usually have any ammo or health packs in every area. im up to the sewer part with the Stalkers & Clickers so far, really great game though.
Grounded is fúcking infuriating. I completed it on survivor a few times before playing on grounded and the difference in difficulty is mad. Its basically the last of us with no ammo and no health very close to completion though. Does anyone play TLoU online?

posted on 2/9/14

comment by KennysHeroes (U1935)
posted 3 hours, 47 minutes ago
I thought Joel got mauled by a giraffe?

posted on 2/9/14

@Maurice yep I even tried watching a few Youtube vids on how to clear certain parts but they always seem to have a lot of ammo to clear them easy

I have only played it online once it seemed ok but gonna wait to finish the story before playing it again.

posted on 3/9/14

Just done the University part on Grounded.

So difficult so far. The part in the suburbs with the sniper took me about 20 attempts, as the did the where Ellie is on the the scaffolding with a sniper, crazy hard!

Great game, probably my favourite PS3 game ever.

posted on 3/9/14

I finished this on grounded mode last night. Some of the parts were so difficult, however i found winter to be easier than I expected, as I struggled on that on the ps3

posted on 3/9/14

I've just got the hospital to do now, how hard was that?

posted on 3/9/14

As long as you take it slow it should be ok. the 1st floor is the hardest of the two, try to stay close to were you start and a lot of the enemys should come to you.

posted on 3/9/14

Thank you, I shall have a go when I get home. On all the other times I've completed it I've found the second floor the hardest, the first you can just run and fluke a way through

posted on 3/9/14

If you get stuck just remember you won't need any ammo after the 2nd floor.

posted on 3/9/14

Im currently playing it

excellent game so far

just finished the sentry gun thing on a jeep bit , have i a long way to go ??

what even is " playing it on grounded" ??

posted on 3/9/14

You have quite a bit to go yet but it will go pretty quick.

Grounded is a fúcking insanely difficult difficulty. Easy, normal, hard, survivor and grounded

posted on 3/9/14

ahhh o.k

Its tricky enough on normal

I cant see the gain in playing it again on a harder level

surely the appeal of the last of us is its immersive gameplay and plot

Once youve played it once you loose that ??

posted on 3/9/14

Man I swear this game was designed to pi$$ me off ,Still on the Sewer part with the Stalkers with Sam don't have enough Ammo to kill them all & I can't seem to Stealth kill them either grr ,was wondering if I went back to the start of the Sewer section if I would have the ammo I started with ??

posted on 3/9/14

Have you got no combat weapon? Stalkers are almost impossible to stealth kill, they are fúcking well annoying. Best bet is to shoot as many as you can and hope the rest come at you one at a time so you can punch them. Seems effort going back in the game.

posted on 3/9/14

'Man I swear this game was designed to pi$$ me off ,Still on the Sewer part with the Stalkers with Sam don't have enough Ammo to kill them all & I can't seem to Stealth kill them either grr'

Recently did this bit on survivor. Dunno how much ammo you've got but don't go out into the open area, just stay in that first bit with the shelves on the right and the gate to the left. Edge out of there, sprint for a second or two and go back to try and draw them out. Not use trying to stealth them, but make sure to engage them one at a time. Either make your shots count (headshots, I trust you've got the Diablo?) or pick them off with melee attacks. If you've got a nailbomb throw that into the middle.

posted on 3/9/14

Sorry guys should have mentioned in my last post, I have 1 Shotgun shell, 1 pistol & revolver bullet ,Molotov ,Smoke Bomb ,I do have a lead pipe melee weapon too .What makes it worse is there's a youtube vid were some guy runs straight through to the other side & is able to start the next sequence .but The enemies are in different locations on my game & when I have made it through to the end im unable to give Sam a lift up as he always tells me to look behind therefore I die grr!!!.

posted on 3/9/14

and OMFG I finally did it lol ,basically just stayed were I was used up my ammo but stayed close to Sam when punching them as he threw bricks & glass which seemed to help out alot!!!.

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