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o Hara

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posted on 4/9/14

Sounds like he has woken up to the fact nothing is for free in this world, a new agent will do him some good and he no longer has the hoolywood baggage and movie premieres and the like to distract him.

Deserves some credit for having the smarts to pull the plug on his time here, he wanted, even needed a fresh start.

posted on 4/9/14

To give credit to Jamie he has been well advised on what to say to the press

posted on 4/9/14

I may be out of line saying this but he chose the wrong wife to concentrate on being the best footballer he could be.

posted on 4/9/14

agree with that whole heartedly Pundit, he chose the lifestyle and it ended how we all expected, publically.

posted on 4/9/14

Maybe pundit, but he should have kept football and the limelight of his wife separate. Beckham managed it with a Spice Girl.

O'Hara screwed up (literally) with his antics off field.

posted on 4/9/14

His feeling of being unloved just extended to off the pitch too. I've no doubt it all played a part. Jamie must have needed some attention from someone, anyone

posted on 5/9/14

Classy and contrite words from JOH; more so than from some of our moronic fans and forum contributors.

Didn't work out at Wolves, but I wish him well and will see what happens during the rest of his career with interest.

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 5/9/14

Come back to haunt us Cyp.......that's what the rest of his career will entail

Lump !

posted on 5/9/14

"I would also like to say thank you to some of the staff at Wolves who supported me through what has been the toughest time in my career."

Interesting he only wants to thank some of the staff, don't suppose that includes Kenny. Oh well.

posted on 5/9/14

Cyp, please don't tell me you think he actually spoke from the heart here?

This was put together by his new agency and he gave the nod.

He gets little respect because he doesn't deserve any, a married guy with three kids carrying on like he has is a cretin, no debate involved, just fact.

posted on 6/9/14

Jamie's failings as a player with Wolves were evident before there was any mention of his wife on these forums other than to comment on her figure. Now she has been in the press a few times over the last year it seems people knew all along it would end like this. I must try this right all along lark, seems to work every time with the benefit of hindsight

posted on 6/9/14

comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 17 hours, 44 minutes ago
Cyp, please don't tell me you think he actually spoke from the heart here?

This was put together by his new agency and he gave the nod.

He gets little respect because he doesn't deserve any, a married guy with three kids carrying on like he has is a cretin, no debate involved, just fact.
It was always thus, Cinci.

Do you really think any footballer writes their own press releases, statements or autobiographies?

Jamie is no better or worse than just about the majority of players to ever kick a football, even if people like you, wolfie and perton want to paint him as Beelzebub himself.

As for his wife, wtf has that got to do with Wolves? Again, loads of footballers marry/screww models and "wags". It comes with the territory. Jamies' private life is no one's business but his so long as it doesn't impact on Wolves.

posted on 6/9/14

You're right there Cyp. His private life should be kept secret. However, when girls he's slept with spill the beans it's no longer private.

DJ, is this the same "Jamie" that you personally had a go at on here after the Brighton game?

posted on 6/9/14

That's the point cyp, his private life did affect wolves.

We didn't agree to cancel his contract for fun, his private life prompted it, he had enough and needed to get out as he wants to resurrect his life and career, we had also had enough of the circus.

And DJ, it is hardly a time for right all alongs as let's be honest, this outcome was never in doubt, I literally posted a month before the break up that divorce was less than two years away.

posted on 6/9/14

I do think that you are naive if you think that Jamie's private life is worse than loads of other footballers, Cinci.

I can literally think of dozens that have had their personal details splashed all over the tabloids. Lot's of it is lies or exaggeration.

Jamie's contract was paid-up (I'm guessing) at a lower level than he would have been entitled to for financial reasons, and nothing to do with "the circus" as you put it.

His injuries curtailed his Wolves' career and it's pure speculation where he would be today without those injuries.
You stated in another thread that you felt sorry for Boukari because of his injury problems yet you take every opportunity to slate JOH.
Level playing field? Fairness? Agenda?

posted on 6/9/14

Cyp, I criticize O'Hara because he has not been a good professional, its that simple.

His actions towards the fans in itself was unforgivable, he almost unsighted a reckon riot all because he felt he was bigger than wolves.

His partying in the off season when his only focus should have been resurrecting his career, instead he squeezed in two sl#ts, one in the USA while 'getting fit'

I give him some leeway for his wife, she must be a living nightmare And his actions pretty much allude to that.

He isn't even close to boukari as a professional.

posted on 6/9/14

Unsighted reckon

Feckin phone

posted on 8/9/14

Reports today that Mrs O'Hara has filed for divorce. Guess that means she will get a share of his current income of £0 per week

posted on 8/9/14


"His actions towards the fans in itself was unforgivable, he almost unsighted a reckon riot all because he felt he was bigger than wolves."

Not sure what some of that means, but players are human and you can expect reactions to taunts of whatever, however much the player may regret if later.

I don't want robots playing for the club. I want happy free-thinking individuals.

posted on 8/9/14

And I don't like a lynch mob mentality more associated with the USA

posted on 8/9/14

Ah well, no worries Bute, you side with Jamie, i shall stick to my side and the view of the club which took the drastic measure of ending a players contract.

posted on 9/9/14

The club cannot, and did not, end O'Hara's contract.
The club and O'Hara mutually agreed to end his contract.

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