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These 6 comments are related to an article called:

A close eye on Aaron

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posted on 16/9/14

Lastly, I cannot slate Welbeck today as it was his 2nd game with his team mates and I can assure you he will come good. He actually looks to make things happen so I'm not worried at all.
Not sure why that excuses him from getting shots on target when put clean through.

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 16/9/14

As cack as he was today and he was bad. He still laid it on a plate for Welbeck with a great reverse pass. He struggling because the great man Wenger has changed our formation. No both Jack and Ramsey occupy that same spaces.

Just drop one of them, its not like either one wont get injured.

posted on 16/9/14

All he needs is one goal and they will come. He came to the club with negativity surrounding his finishing so probably affecting him

posted on 16/9/14

Ozil unfortunately is going to down the Arshavin route

If Wenger is not going to play him centrally, why does he even start

posted on 16/9/14

Dont know what wengers obsession with having to fit everyone in, and try to force square pegs in round holes. It's doesn't work and is making certain players worse. He needs to decide to play wilshere or Ramsey, and needs to decide to either put cazorla or Ozil in number 10, then put 2 players out wide who are actually comfortable playing there. The system now clearly isn't working, and is very unbalanced! Change it now!

posted on 16/9/14

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 3 minutes ago
Lastly, I cannot slate Welbeck today as it was his 2nd game with his team mates and I can assure you he will come good. He actually looks to make things happen so I'm not worried at all.
Not sure why that excuses him from getting shots on target when put clean through.
He only got one clear through-pass for the entire 90 mins. From this, he made his first shot which went wide of an advanced keeper. All he got was scraps after that. Total lack of service and support.

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