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These 39 comments are related to an article called:

We gave up at 1-0

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posted on 23/8/11

The Savage Family

Did you get his autograph Thudd?

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 23/8/11

Bale should be on free kicks..


posted on 23/8/11

Junction - I would say VDV should get some credit, everything good went through him and he tried his best bless him, just a shame we dont have the quality to go with him

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 23/8/11

From Twitter

chris_kammy Chris Kamara
by Mark__Bright
My Sauce (ha ha) tells me Crouchie & Palacios are at the Brittania Stadium 2 good signings for Stoke me thinks, what about you ?

posted on 23/8/11

From Twitter

chris_kammy Chris Kamara
Sorry it's not true - it's just two lads cleaning the windows my apologies - my Sauce is sacked ha ha

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 23/8/11


posted on 23/8/11

Unbelievable Jeff

posted on 23/8/11

he done well first half especially,for sure.

but all that,get the ball and shoot points at one of 2 things,he's playing for himself or he still aint fit enough......

maybe both.

posted on 23/8/11

Lennon lost all confidence after not passing to VDV before that he was doing well against Evra.


I can hear that fat fool Sherwood going "yeh lads get shoots in from 70 yards he'll throw one in" we often shot when someone else better placed.

posted on 23/8/11

RRP hits the spot with "just a shame we dont have the quality to go with him (vdv)"

It should be clear by now that he seems to be two steps ahead every time and undecisive or poor decision making leads to a wasted chances.

For the ones who don't understand why he collects the ball so deep is because the ballmovement from midfield is too slow. It's linked to a lack of proper movement from the forward players who can't make room for others or themselves to receive the ball: Also because the midfield is lacking the ability, will or vision to pick out the pass. I feel for vdv and understand his frustration.

posted on 23/8/11


1) To take advantage of him slipping up: twice he couldn't held on to it and almost led to a goal
2) To help expose him as a not so reliable goalie in front of his teammates, downgrading the trust of his defenders.
3) If your teammate can't make the right decisions to get a proper attack going, then shoot yourself.
4) Raising attampts at goal raises morale of the team.

posted on 23/8/11



posted on 23/8/11

Raising attampts at goal raises morale of the team


Like VDV shooting from 45 yards way over the bar? or Kaboul doing the same in the first half??

If your teammate can't make the right decisions to get a proper attack going, then shoot yourself.


None of the players have faith in each others abilities?

twice he couldn't held on to it and almost led to a goal

he dropped a cross not a shot.

Spurs got into good position and choose to shoot straight at the keeper, yes, test him as he is low on confidence but do not just shoot all the time and waste possession.

posted on 23/8/11

"Like VDV shooting from 45 yards way over the bar? or Kaboul doing the same in the first half??"

It may seem irrational, but sometimes players need to vent their frustration. This is an example of how to do it. Besides, it's farfetched and overzealous but not impossible.

"he dropped a cross not a shot."

Doesn't matter.
"None of the players have faith in each others abilities?"
Every player is bound to their specific way of football and the player himself, like his teammates, know the weaknesses aswell. There is always trust, but never certainty that a player will play to his peek performance. If obvious, easy desicions are overlooked then teammates have good reason to be angry.

"Spurs got into good position and choose to shoot straight at the keeper, yes, test him as he is low on confidence but do not just shoot all the time and waste possession. "

What is there to waste if you have teammates that don't make proper runs or give the right passes? As time was getting shorter, long range efforts were a more viable option.

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