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Why do they dislike us so much?

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posted on 23/8/11

Because you have an unlimited supply of money which makes the whole thing kinda unfair

posted on 23/8/11

Sheer unadulterated jealousy
love it

posted on 23/8/11

Because you have an unlimited supply of money which makes the whole thing kinda unfair

Don't blame us because your rich (very,very rich) owners won't spend it!

posted on 23/8/11

because your manager unsettles players and has no respect for for fellow managers and wont stop unsettling players untill he get them.

posted on 23/8/11

It is because they want people to phone in to make money.

posted on 23/8/11

Psst - The secret is not to listen to TalkShite.

posted on 23/8/11

no team is more favoured or less favoured by the press and anyone who thinks otherwise is paranoid. the meia will say/print whatever they like as long as it suits their agenda (which is to sell papers/attract listeners.)

posted on 23/8/11

Well what do you expect from that channel, after all it is only Sky Sports for the radio. We all know how they suck up tp the likes of Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, and of course the club that thinks it is the biggest in the world Man Utd. Man City pinching that last place for automatic qualification for the Champions league is just not on, they should have let Arsenal have that place, it just wasn't football doing that. After all Arsenal have had that place for the last 10 yrs or so, so how can a culb just come and do that to the likes of Arsenal.

Just imagine if we had pipped Chelsea to 2nd place, then you really would have seen a backlash in the press.How the press would have said that Man City didn't deserve that 2nd spot as they bought that with the money from all that oil that their owners sold.

posted on 23/8/11

Psst - The secret is not to listen to TalkShite
I'm listening to it because they are going round the grounds all the time with the latest scores and I don't have Sky Sports News!

posted on 23/8/11

no team is more favoured or less favoured by the press and anyone who thinks otherwise is paranoid. the meia will say/print whatever they like as long as it suits their agenda (which is to sell papers/attract listeners.)

The Meia!!!
What paper is that?

posted on 23/8/11

NYoung10 (U9174)
Well what do you expect from that channel, after all it is only Sky Sports for the radio. We all know how they suck up tp the likes of Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea,

suck up to Arsenal,no i dont think so,we are the Laughing Stock the Media slates Wenger and Arsenal at every opportunity and have done for years

posted on 23/8/11

Your owners could maybe buy skysports and talksport and we could then have 24 hours of uninterrupted rolling man city propaganda ......oops what have i done.

posted on 23/8/11

I liken people who whinge about TalkSnot to someone who goes in a pub and gets punched in the ear everytime. You either change pub or you put up with it.

posted on 23/8/11

OK 'Inky'. I will remind you about that the next time you have a whinge.

posted on 23/8/11

seems as though eddie makes a habit of complaining about things which he doesn't have to watch/listen to;


posted on 23/8/11

You'll never hear me whingeing about TalkSpite because I'd rather listen to the sound of my own testicles being crushed than that garbage.

posted on 23/8/11

Your owners could maybe buy skysports and talksport and we could then have 24 hours of uninterrupted rolling man city propaganda ......oops what have i done.

Like the Arab version of SkySports they own?

posted on 23/8/11

Point taken Inky.

posted on 23/8/11

Has it ever occured to you whingers that rather any conspiracy theory existing, rather City bring hated, that people might just have some logical, reasoned criticisms to make of City?

Has it occured to you that now that you're in the limelight, you might be criticised as well as praised, just like the other big clubs are?

Seriously, remove that huge chip on your shoulder because it's making rival fans point and laugh at you.

comment by tweedle (U7573)

posted on 23/8/11

MC supporters spent 30 years criticising Man Utd, saying they bought the title.

Now you've got the limelight, you don't like it!

posted on 23/8/11

Yeah but the point is that life didn't begin when Man City got some money, a point most fans from the so called big club seem to have forgotten along with the media. three words come to mind? Bitter, bitter and bitter!!!!!.

posted on 23/8/11


Your point makes no sense whatsoever.

But yes, just tell the fans of the champions that they're bitter, that should help.

posted on 23/8/11

Ive seen nor heard any evidence that the Media hate City. I read newspapers everyday, listen to talksport, 5live , and scroll the internet daily. Man City fans are becoming very paranoid and defensive about their club. They never used to be like this, maybe the money has effected their thinking & hearing

posted on 23/8/11

Not heard much about Utd's latest £40M sponsorship deal for their training kit. Imagine if that were City!
The op is completely deluded with this statement. Surely earning money is better than getting a rich owner to pay for your 100m+ losses every year on top of paying the wages that could buy clubs that you are competing against. .

Do be honest I find it funny what Man city are doing. If they win everything this season not many people would care as it will show buying the trophies can be done.When man utd sold ronaldo I was OK as it was on the cars for a long time but Man city spend over 120m a season on players like the norm. Not only that most of there players get paid between £200k-£300k a week.

posted on 23/8/11

meant to say to be honest and on the cards

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