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comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 15/1/15

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posted on 16/1/15

I agree with your summary Hound.

Barnsley, like us, found themselves with quite a lot of changes in personnel in the close season so that it is difficult to judge their strength. I thought that they had the resources to fund a strong squad compared with us and compared with all but the top 3 or 4 on this league. Turnbull going there, Mvoto taken from under our noses and them nearly signing Copps seemed an indication of their relative wealth, so have they failed to repay the investment?

I would have thought that they were on the same level in this respect as Bristol City, MK Dons, Sheffield United and Preston, but if they are really on a par with them in financial terms, they have failed rather badly.

Current form puts the team that former manager Mark Robins manages at the top of the form table and Barnsley ought to regret having let him go. He probably did as much as any of their recent bosses could with what they had and they were probably over-ambitious at that time imagining that someone ealse could do better. (I think he was eased out rather than being sacked, wasn’t he?)

As 606 is no longer what it was with the BBC we cannot judge the mood of their fans right now, but it seems to me that they probably are rather disillusioned.

We seemed to have the better of the match over there and even looking pessimistically I cannot see them even taking a point tomorrow. Put another way, if they do or if they take all three, we shall be firmly back in square one.

I'd say we were odds on to win, but with an attack that seems to have trouble recognising where the goal is situated except the bit where the goalie is standing, we will have to work hard for our goal or exceptionally 2 goals and then ensure that we shut them out completely (which, dare I suggest, will not be as difficult as it has sometimes been).

Please let me not be wrong, because surely something or someone will have failed badly if we do not get all 3 points.

(I now see that PD's piece in the Star covers some of this ground too, but I'm not sure I agree that it's tougher this year.)

comment by xon™ (U4353)

posted on 16/1/15

He's making excuses again and covering his a®se!
Nice thread BTW hound.


comment by xon™ (U4353)

posted on 16/1/15

Bywater signs 6 month contract.
Quite happy about this. Only played 30 odd marches in past 3 seasons a little worrying tho.

posted on 16/1/15

Thank you Hound, five stars from me. I appreciate everyone's good wishes. I shall be fighting all the way.

posted on 16/1/15

If we get beat by these lot, no excuses. Should of beaten them at their place. Just can't see them being any threat whatsoever. Hope a certain striker gets run out, but not holding my breath. One of lads at works a dingle and he's just hoping they don't get relegated as their that bad. This should be the start of a run of 4 games we should win. Should win.

Still don't like DickOff

posted on 17/1/15

Odd team selextion:

Bywater, Stevens, Wabara, Butler, McCullough, Wellens, Keegan, Coppinger, Bennett, Main, Robinson

Marosi, McCombe, Wakefield, Tyson, Forrester, De Val

posted on 17/1/15

Middleton also a sub.

comment by xon™ (U4353)

posted on 17/1/15

Hi Don, yeah maybe Tyson and Forrester no match fit. McKay I think will leave either this month or at the end of the season.

posted on 17/1/15

Morning all.

comment by xon™ (U4353)

posted on 17/1/15


comment by xon™ (U4353)

posted on 17/1/15

Main misses decent chance. Doesn't even hit the target!
At least he's consistent.

posted on 17/1/15

Afternoon gents... I demand 3 points today!

comment by xon™ (U4353)

posted on 17/1/15

All of the next 6 matches are very winnable Louth!

posted on 17/1/15

Winnable by whom?

posted on 17/1/15

Misses again

posted on 17/1/15

How many more chances is Main going to miss.

posted on 17/1/15

Just what I was thinking.

posted on 17/1/15

What HAS happened to McKay?

posted on 17/1/15

A good question for "Meet the Owners"

posted on 17/1/15

Player cutting out several times in the first half.

comment by xon™ (U4353)

posted on 17/1/15

Hope Zigga or Azza give us a little low-down on the first half.

posted on 17/1/15

Strikers....... PMSL. Forget barn door, couldn't hit the fooking barn. Why cant McKay get a start. Answers on a stamp.

Otherwise we're playing very well.

Just got a gut feeling these will nick it.

longer it goes on, they'll start to think they can win as chances we're missing is pathetic.

Bloody cold as well trying to right this.

comment by xon™ (U4353)

posted on 17/1/15

Cheerz Zigga! Hope we score soon to warm you all up a little.

posted on 17/1/15

Player OK here.

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