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Southsideblue (U3809)

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posted on 26/8/11

I always like seeing British teams doing well, but because of this chap I have no sympathy for you!

posted on 26/8/11

Oh dear, I wonder who rated this article 1 out of 1...

Diddums - I'd go and tell Mummy that somebody is cyber-bullying you if I were you!

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 26/8/11

honestly look at the state of ye

creaming yourself because Rangers are out...when you actually play in Europe or in a Premier Division you can come back and try and mock them until then keep it shut

you're best player came from Kilmarnock

posted on 26/8/11

You called the SPL a pub league and you wonder why he got defensive?

our league isnt great, and the only thing stopping the old firm from being bigger is that we dont get the tv money that is given down in england.

Celtic turned a profit this year, how many clubs can say that? even the ones who do get 50-60 million to kid themselves on their playing in the best league in the world.

La Liga is the best league, and its followed by the bundesliga.

posted on 26/8/11

"you're best player came from Kilmarnock"

Funniest clown shoe article EVER.

posted on 26/8/11

Enjoy playing at The Caledonian Stadium at least twice this season chaps...

It must be cool playing teams four times a season...

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 26/8/11

I always like seeing British teams doing well, but because of this chap I have no sympathy for you!

And I suppose Derby have no 'wazzock' supporters!

All part of lifes rich variety my friend.

Was there not a Blue Peter presenter years ago who was a Rams fan?

(showing my age)

posted on 26/8/11

you're best player came from Kilmarnock

No disrespect to Bryson but he's definitely not our best player.

posted on 26/8/11

We may well have some wazzock fans - that wasn't the point I was making.

But I'm pretty sure none of them have been on to your Forum and begun spouting absolute ga-sh!

Until now at least...

posted on 26/8/11

Derby?.....wear the fox hat?.

posted on 26/8/11

OP you are a complete muppet. In sure everyone on here has the same opinion of you. You support a very small team, in a big league. Now feck off back to where you came from you plank. I hope your next sht is a hedgehog

posted on 26/8/11

I tell you whaw - whatever Scottish football lacks in ability/fitness/entertainment/talent etc, they're fans don't half make up for in intellect.

comment by TEG (U3639)

posted on 26/8/11

don't flick the amockted PP

posted on 26/8/11

comment by PiccoloPirato (U4721)
posted 22 hours, 17 minutes ago
What a pointless article,

That is all

posted on 26/8/11

why have i only just seen this now

answer my initial question.

Have Derby stopped giving away tickets so they look like they get a half decent crowd through the gates?

Did Derby not record the lowest points total in Premier League history?

posted on 26/8/11

Wassa, what are you on about now?

posted on 26/8/11

Southsideblue we all know where you got that Information from, don't we.

A red dog

posted on 26/8/11

What is it with clownshoes like the OP?

comment by (U8898)

posted on 26/8/11

Ask the derby fans about the kenco cup, it holds pride of place in old mother hubbards cupboard aka Derby's trophy cabinet.

posted on 26/8/11

Southside - if Derby were "giving away" tickets, I would have a season ticket this season.
As it is, they are doing the exact opposite of giving away tickets, hence pricing my humble self out.
And correct, we do have the lowest recorded PL points total, but let's be honest, it isn't hard to get a high points total in the SPL is it?

comment by LMC (U8502)

posted on 26/8/11

Who are Derby again? Got to laugh.

posted on 26/8/11

The club who sold you Kris Commons...
Geography not your strong point, hmm?

posted on 26/8/11

Oh look, U8898 - a relatively new member to ja606 who comments very, very frequently

You are either an original member who has created a new account, a "fantastic" WUM or a geniune new member who hasn't had the time to update his/her account yet.

Either way, welcome to the Bantermobile.

And by the way, I quite clearly stated that this article was directed only at one person, and not the entire Rangers cavalcade, but once again those horrible, nasty chips on your shoulders have reared their ugly faces! I really hope Wally McCoist does well this season, because if not the club will have to rely on Great Uncle Walter again - and that just isn't fair on the great man!

comment by LMC (U8502)

posted on 26/8/11

Ahh that's right remember Kris talking about his step up now.

posted on 26/8/11

Southsideblue have you been talking to derwald since you have become a member on this new forum? I see Westy is on here

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