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These 13 comments are related to an article called:

this is what KEIOC contribute to Everton FC

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posted on 26/8/11

Prentice is an idiot but there is one decent point there. Whatever we think about the board it shouldn't stop us doing what we all love to do; get behind the team.

posted on 26/8/11

there's no need for violence in football, especially between fans of the same club. given the nasty rhetoric and attitude of KEIOC, i'm not surprised that this has happened.

posted on 26/8/11

Nice post and nice section I have taken out


Which is why I was reassured to read an editorial from those loveable street urchins of the long-running fanzine When Skies Are Grey this week, which showed there are other supporters out there who share that view.

Cutting through the conspiracy theories in typically blunt, but colourful fashion, they declared: “The idea that Kenwright can be ‘driven’ out of the club is farcical without someone willing to buy the ****ing thing off him.

“Marches, protests, sit-ins, lock-ins or love-ins, it doesn’t really matter – **** it, you could drag the board out to the woods like in Miller’s Crossing and put guns to their heads and demand that they sell Everton – that won’t make a buyer materialise.”


comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 26/8/11


posted on 27/8/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 27/8/11

Phil. Have the sensible ones amongst us been saying exactly this, though not in such colourful terms, for do long that i cannot remember.
Then along comes Crispy.AGAIN!

posted on 27/8/11

Sorry." SO" not "do."

posted on 27/8/11

Crispy's proved my point!!!!

posted on 27/8/11

Where to start

First off this has nothing at all to do with KEIOC. I actually sit to left of this and saw the incident. I also saw a similar incident directly in front of me two seats to the left.Passions were running high in the street end. This was nothing at all, have seen similar a few times normally when we are losing last time being teh West Brom 4-1 defeat. The one directly in front of me they lads argued squared up then agreed to diasagree and carried on watching. This has nothing to do with KEIOC and everything to do with the club being run into the ground.

The lads arguing in front of me I have seen at the match for years. They have nothing to do with KEIOC one has had enough of how the club is being killed and Moyes negative tactics. He booed the substitution of Beckford as did most around us and the other lad took exception. In the end they agreed both were fed up at situation the other lad said though no matter what we should never boo and that is what the whole argument was about. The lad booing by the way goes every game home and away and is totally frustrated as a lot of us are. The problem is not KEIOC it is the clowns running the club.

I would also add further the club are trying to divide the fans to take off the heat. The real fans jibe by Neville and the club spin abour minority is turning fans against each other.

Prentice has to be the worse journalist at the Echo. He is too scared to criticise the cub remember the last piece like this he wrote. He was so out of touch with the fans he had to write a second one trying to calm them down.

At the end of the day he cannot say anything negative about the club. If he does the club bans him and the echo.

The best way to judge this so called article is read the 85 additional comments and look at the thumbs up score. The vast majority of fans are against it. In fact this site is along with WSAG the only place on the whole web people are congratulating this piece.

So you can all sit on here typing on your keyboard congratulating Prentice but it is you who are completely out of touch with the rest of fans. The only thiing I do agree with is the message we should not fight amongst ourselves.

We all love Everton and all want the best. we may well disagree with how to fix this but at the end of teh day we want the same a successful Everton the team we all love.

posted on 27/8/11

awd, you spend all your time on here defending KEIOC, so doesn't that make you an apologist for them, just like you're accusing Prentice of being a club apologist???

posted on 27/8/11

BK i actually dislike KEIOC so yet again an epic fail. I believe just wanted us to stay in Walton and thus had hidden agenda. That said I was against Kirkby because it was obvious to anyone with an iota of common sense it would have failed. I voted NO but never had anything to do with KEIOC, The fact the were proved right makes your argument even weaker. I do however agree with what the peoples group tried to do although the aledged taping if they did (club say yes they say no) was stupid. The club needs invetsment the board were doing nothing at least it is in the open we are for sale and the national media are now publicising this. If this ultimatly ends up in investment then we all benefit.

Seriously your articles are a joke and blame everything on KEIOC and I was just pointing out how wrong you actually are. Your name sums everything up for me. BK best chairman ever. I doubt you would find a single Evertonian agreeing with that. Even those who may not complain would never call him the best chairman.

Seriously not sure if you go the match I was there and saw both these things first hand. the one in front of me I heard the whole arguement. KEIOC and the others have nothing to do with fans fighting. Fans have fought at matches all the time I have seen this a before.

As I said the best judge of this article are the thumbs up and 85 comments. Wherever he has been praised in a comment this is a negative thumbs up. The majority of fans see this article for what it is. Club spin and nothing else.

You carry with your attacks on various suporters groups all you want. Makes no difference to me. I support Everton not the clowns ruining it. I go every match at home and a handful aways. I am a real fan despite what Neville said as no doubt you are. The club wants fans at each others throats as if deflects the heat of them you are simply falling for this. I blame the fights on the club owners and the spin rather than the fan groups.

There are a lot of very unhappy fans at the match. We had the first chants of sack the board on Wednesday. This is going to get worse. Like I said we are all blue so get of the high horse.

posted on 27/8/11

“Marches, protests, sit-ins, lock-ins or love-ins, it doesn’t really matter – **** it, you could drag the board out to the woods like in Miller’s Crossing and put guns to their heads and demand that they sell Everton – that won’t make a buyer materialise.”


That is coming from an independent view on things

Do you really think that in fighting with the fans deflects the focus from the board?

BK was at the game today

comment by (U5282)

posted on 27/8/11

Thats because half of those idiots in lower Glad are either permanently be-vied up or spaced out of their heads. A bit of a generalisation I know but true never the less. I much prefer going to away games to be honest.

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