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Reminicent of the United game...

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posted on 25/2/15

Di Maria did have a chance to make it 3-0 before giroud made it 2-1. Anyway this game was not really anything like the Man utd game as Arsenal were far more dangerous.

Maybe slightly more like our 1-3 win in 09/10 season in the league controlled disciplined win and ripped Arsenal to shreds on counter.

The 1-3 CL 08/09 game was more like it could have finished 6 or 7 and was far more one sided then most of these other games.

posted on 25/2/15

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posted on 25/2/15

We should be sponsored by Coca Cola because we are the world's biggest bottlers. Happens every time . Most people aren't even surprised any more.

At least 2 more years of this frustration and then who will our clueless board go for ? Frightening isn't it ?

posted on 25/2/15

I'm not saying it was exactly the same. The Di Maria chance was even more kamikaze, joke defending. Maybe we didn't have a second kamikaze today because there's a second leg?

We were just as bad in both games in terms of attacking, heck at least today we had created two chances but BOTH missed

posted on 25/2/15

we'll probalbly pass on simone and pep, and go for bould. Because getting simone or pep would kill boulds progress.

posted on 25/2/15

Dragan Stojkovic or Remi Garde...Paul Clements?

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