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posted on 11/3/15

comment by Inventor (U6157)
posted 6 seconds ago
Wembley 4 times in 10 months could make it 5 in may biggest club in London by miles.

Closely followed by West Ham and Fabric.

Spurs & Chelsea are irrelevant tiny clubs.
Chelsea just edge that one though
Tiny clubs don't win the champions league

posted on 11/3/15

TBH the only team to have one a trophy this season is Chelsea.

And they are likely to win the Premier league.

So, not sure what you are laughing at .

comment by Tyke (U9181)

posted on 11/3/15

I'm not too concerned with Chelsea, we beat Man u! they ARE trophyless this season - same as last season. Now THAT is funny!!

posted on 11/3/15

This guy s waited for this night for a long time

You go San, you only live once

posted on 12/3/15

Trouble is we ll probably be laughing at you come the weekend,

A disaster in never far away with some and like little <bitches> they abuse the delete button and cry admin who s probably one of you s as he always obliges

posted on 12/3/15

Chelsea board are responsible for my last 2 bans...

You can never take it.... LAUGH AT CHELSEA

Absolute joke tonight

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 12/3/15

Brilliant, thanks RGK

posted on 12/3/15

You still in here what doe you mean we can't take it,

posted on 12/3/15

The only laughing stock are the team that last 3-1 at home to the 2nd worst team in the competition

posted on 12/3/15

4 trophies pre 1996 no trophies for 50 years


posted on 12/3/15

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posted on 12/3/15


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