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posted on 10/5/15

I ignore him, I think he believes in voodoo demons. Why we signed him in the first place baffles me. Some family member he is telling the world about what his family does, total total cretin.

posted on 10/5/15

Seems pretty serious to be honest. The stuff that goes on in Africa is ridiuclous.

Think he should just take some time off indefintely. Whatever you think about him, no one knows him personally, hope everything gets sorted out for him.

posted on 10/5/15

He was dropped under AVB and was seen laughing at our defeat to Liverpool, some loyalty.

comment by (U18814)

posted on 10/5/15

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posted on 10/5/15

I haven't read them and I won't bother to either. But from what I've heard it sounds as though he's accusing his family of being mercenaries which he finds appalling..... Oh the irony.

posted on 10/5/15

Yet how many of you wanted him here? Many. I never did.

posted on 10/5/15

His list the plot .

posted on 10/5/15


posted on 10/5/15

I don't think he ever had the plot Eddie.

posted on 10/5/15

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posted on 10/5/15

When family is involved, why should he give a craa.p about tottenham.

Bunch of sickos.

posted on 10/5/15

I wish Ade and his family all the best

Some things are bigger than football.

Wouldn't expect you bunch of morons to understand.

posted on 10/5/15

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posted on 10/5/15

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posted on 10/5/15

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posted on 10/5/15

And how is that exactly affecting our p!!ss poor perforamnces on the pitch?

absolutely zero.

Just finding a scape goat.

Yes we should sell him, but why all the hostility, how can one man wind you lot up so much. He's of course going to move on at some point, such a lack of class.

posted on 10/5/15

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posted on 10/5/15

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posted on 10/5/15

If I had family issues like him, I wouldn't give 2 faacks about my job.

posted on 10/5/15

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posted on 10/5/15

But why do you care so much about him wasting our wage bill?

He is obviously going to leave in the summer, almost certain.

He clearly has deep fdamily issues back at home, yet you lot yack your mouths claming he's a uselss c.uunt etc.

like he's delibratrely doing things on purpose to annoy everyone.

Just chill out, we'd still be crap on the pitch with a happy ade, theres no need for a scap goat here, jsut shows how pathetic football fans can be.

Some things are bigger than football, so just forget about it and move on, effects your life in no way possible.

posted on 10/5/15

Benny, yes he has family issues at home but to broadcast them worldwide is damnable. He'll bring a lot of unwanted attention his family's way because he's a famous name. They can't escape it.

posted on 10/5/15

must be annoying to have an Arsenal reject who none of you can stand as your highest earner leeching off the club.

posted on 10/5/15

Arsenal doesn't come into this,at least not for me.

posted on 10/5/15

This has cearly been going on for a while, he's done well enough to keep it quite this long.

I think its been good of him to open it up, especially to the spurs fans. Even as ungratful they are, least there is some reasoning.

We all saw what a good player he was at the back end of last season, I'm sure if it wasn't for Kane we would be more on his back this season, but he's sort of gone unnoticed.

I just wish there wasn't any hostility towards him, his head is clearly somewhere else, he's not even playing, so its having no effect on how rubbish we are at the moment. Which is what we should be concentraiting on.

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