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No one ever signs for us

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posted on 8/6/11


posted on 8/6/11

Rather sign players like Hernandez personally

But Bebe signing took the p!ss

comment by (U6599)

posted on 8/6/11

Why would any flair player want to join a club that puts out a midfield with the likes of Carrick, Park, Fletcher and Anderson?

They'd rather go to Stoke!

posted on 8/6/11

Ronadlo, Hernanadez, Vidic - Tidy business. Henderson Mikel None of them became world class bar Ronaldinho, Torres & Robben

comment by SS1878 (U4167)

posted on 8/6/11

It's pretty straightfoward.

Chelsea and the Berties both have an owner who have more money than sense.

Liverpool have to sell to buy.

Real and Barca - research their Television rights.

Of course, the ABU nation and PL will not rip up the Founders Agreement because it would mean United would win the league title ever year, and it would mean United would blow the european competition away too.

comment by Jezzer (U4205)

posted on 8/6/11

its because ferguson is scottish, and therefore tight he will not pay over the odds for a player. i think we should be pleased that we have a frugal manager who doesn't waste money but instead buys talent cheaply. anyway i don't really rate torres, kewell, duff suarez henderson or mikel so i'm not heartbroken that they didn't sign, ronaldinho would have been a collosssal waste of money and we can see that it would have been a mistake to buy him. as for robben and overmars, i suppose i am dissapointed, but instead of paying 30 mil for robben, we paid 13 mil ronaldo.

posted on 8/6/11

Berbatov could have gone to City but chose United, Hernandez looks likely to stay in Manchester despite overtures from Real Madrid.
Have to say given the choice I would chose United too but players from South America are much more likely to want to play in Spain due to culteral similarities and the obvious climate improvement. Plus they pay much less tax in Spain than here.

posted on 8/6/11

rooney was 17 and 25m not a 'big name' at the time

posted on 8/6/11

OP, what would you prefer, signing Hernandez for 6 or 7 million or signing Torres for 50 million?

I know my preference, I would take players like Hernandez or Smalling all day long and I would rather develop young players through the youth team.

posted on 8/6/11

Well Berbatov moved to Utd when City were after him at the same time after they hit the jackpot.

The others we were totally outbid with rediculous offers from most of these clubs, mainly Chelsea.

Thats a bit like a chav winning the lottery and competing against a genuine millionaire in an auction trying to buy a house/car or something, but the chav wins because he's got no brains and pays over the odds

posted on 8/6/11

Tevez left for city- thats an insult.......we need 3 world class players if are not to be humilated by barca again.

comment by SS1878 (U4167)

posted on 8/6/11

rooney was 17 and 25m not a 'big name' at the time

He was 18.

And, Er, Euro 2004 was not a big tournament then?

posted on 8/6/11

yh i guess it was a good piece of business

posted on 8/6/11

Erik Lamela is quality

posted on 8/6/11

The United name, history and pedigree still means something to proper footballers. Honestly would you want a player who chooses a big pay check over proper footballing pedigree? I know I wouldn't.

posted on 8/6/11


comment by (U6599)

posted on 8/6/11

comment by johnnybgoode - Tir Eoghain Abu (U1042) posted 6 seconds ago

The United name, history and pedigree still means something to proper footballers. Honestly would you want a player who chooses a big pay check over proper footballing pedigree? I know I wouldn't.

But Michael Owen was different?!

posted on 8/6/11

he United name, history and pedigree still means something to proper footballers. Honestly would you want a player who chooses a big pay check over proper footballing pedigree? I know I wouldn't.

and which world class star has this attracted...this is what concerns me...

posted on 8/6/11

a) Mostly Sunshine vs b) Mostly Rain.


a) 75% of your income vs b) 50% of your income (net)

posted on 8/6/11

is this a joke? surely this must be sarcastic?

Torres - rubbish, destroyed by rafa playing him thru injury
Overmars - 1 good season
Robben - 1 good season
Kewell - hahahahahaha
Duff -hahahahahaha
Ronaldinho - poor attitude
Suarez -wait til defenders figure him, out next season Henderson - hahahahahaha
Mikel - ok, decent, but he got what he wanted

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