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Islamists create refugee crisis.

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comment by Samir (U2630)

posted on 5/9/15

I also admit that the IDF showed a lack of humanity bombing civilian areas,but hamas hide their weapons there.

A news correspondent from the UK went there and when he came back said that there was no evidence of this happening whatsoever. It's called propaganda.

Saddam and Gadaffi were evil man and killed their people,but this appears to be accepted by you and others,who are content to sit back and let tyrants murder and start wars,with neighbouring states in the ME.

They certainly were lunatics, but you need to look at the timing of when there was western intervention. Why did the US previously trade materials with Saddam which were used for enhancing militant weaponry? They invaded Iraq at a time when things were slowly starting to get better for the civilians economically. This of course is not justifying what Saddam did. He killed 250,000 Kurds.

For all of Gaddafi's flaws, he still did some good things. A home was deemed a human right for all people, education was free, petrol was cheap, electricity was free and they had one of the best medical treatment centres in the region.

A lot of these can't be said for our "amazing" leaders.

posted on 6/9/15


No offence,but that is why I refer to islamists,isis,fanatics and extremist muslim's as I am in no way lumpin All muslims together,and I repeatedly say,certain muslim's,to differentiate between good and bad.

From what I know of islam,it sounds like a peaceful religion,just like all faiths,but then man has his little ideas,and twists it around,as we see by ALL fanatics using faith.
I have seen some islamists point the finger at Christians,who then could say God is love,but eveil has been done in the name of God,too.

No way are the muslim people above doing what all faith groups do,especially when mixed with politics'.

The Provo's and uff were defending their flock,as were the Catholic nutters and Protestant nutter in European wars...........Sikh and hindhu fight,as do virtually all faiths,and as you say,sunni hates shia,and that is not our fault,so perhaps the muslim extremist and their hatred of the infidel west is linked to twisted versions of islam,preached by haters.

posted on 6/9/15

Believe me Samir,I do not trust the foreign policy of the western governments,and Blair lied,to follow his mate Bush into battle............I actually think Blair had a religious aspect to his policies,as did some in the US,who have right wing fundamentalist notions,so it is a recipe for disaster.

I never say the west is right,innocent or even moral,as politician's,and businessmen are dodgy,all over.

The Gadaffi Green Book on local community democracy did have good points,but he was toppled,like Saddam,with locals celebrating,remember,and it was locals who killed both men,not the UK or USA.Many forget that wee detail,about how unpopular they were,and similar with the Taliban,as many are fleeing Kabul now,after the west left.
It is so complex,and look at Turkey,allowing Kobane to fall,and stopping kurds going to help Syrian kurds,in the town where the boys on the beach were from.Now Turks bomb the kurds and isis,highlighting the insanity of the region...........kurds are the main force resisting isis,and yet turks attack them,due to PKK internal Turkish/Kurdish politics.

Good chat Samir buddy,and sleep well.

Peace be upon you brother.

#refugeeswelcome and I am Chelsea,lol.

comment by U2 (U20610)

posted on 9/9/15

Look how many were out in the streets rejoicing when Maggie died. Didn't the single get to number 2 in the charts as well?

governments, all around the world, do whatever they think is best for themselves at the time. Very little human element at all.

posted on 9/9/15

Weird how most on the move in EUrope are young males......heard a report the family got together to pay for them to go and get a new life so that makes them economics migrants then.
Pity women n kids left behind by these young lads at the mercy of Isis.
Real refugees losing out to these guys way too often imo.

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