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These 24 comments are related to an article called:

Fantastic day at Ibrox

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posted on 8/6/11

Is it the same in the dark?

comment by Faither (U3393)

posted on 8/6/11

Why are you on the Celtic board ?

posted on 8/6/11

Just back from my mate's wedding.

You have no mates Liar

posted on 8/6/11

Cause I hate your guts.

posted on 8/6/11

hope you had a great day medro
and with a start like that to your friends wedding it is sure to be be a long and happy life together
all the best to your friends m8

posted on 8/6/11

@u3393 get a real name and stop hiding
this is not the celtic board ya nugget lol
think and look before you start hitting keys with your knuckles

posted on 8/6/11

We really did Ally. Big Mark Hately was there too, a proper gent. My other mate even had a wee go at him in his speech.

posted on 8/6/11

good m8 -i would say a few things to big Hatley about some of the things he said over the past couple of year
he hasnt lied just the timing of some of the points he has made
Hatley is my generation of player and would love to see him back doing some coaching at ibrox-he was a great player and for him to come back that last season to help when we were stuck for a striker was brilliant-it got right up there noses at the time

i genuinely mean it m8
hope you had a great day and yer friends have great life together

posted on 8/6/11

Haha! how tacky. I bet they were a picture in their pink tux and bridal gown and matching perma tans.

posted on 8/6/11

is that your wedding your describing by any chance?

posted on 8/6/11

i genuinely mean it m8
hope you had a great day and yer friends have great life together
Pass the sick bag

posted on 8/6/11

We really did Ally. Big Mark Hately was there too, a proper gent. My other mate even had a wee go at him in his speech.


So you've got two mates.Mr.Popular

posted on 8/6/11

utter garbage pendes you are a serial liar

posted on 8/6/11

why on the celtic board do you think people care about what you (might) be doing. a think most people would be happy if you were in a box, going down the way

posted on 8/6/11

So your mate got married today and that's you back already? No reception? Drinks? Liar!

posted on 8/6/11

where you at the golf day out last week?
booked under lisbon lions?

posted on 8/6/11

Did someone manage to get a picture of the happy couple drinking out of a gold plated shoe whilst they sat on a pair of oompah loompahs?

posted on 8/6/11

It does seem pretty early for a wedding to finish?? Maybe it's one of those "getting the worm" weddings, so to speak??

Anyway, you do realise that Neil Lennon has kissed both those trophies?

posted on 8/6/11


No mate I'm not a golfer

posted on 8/6/11

The OP clearly wasn't invited to the reception so he's on here telling his REAL mates about this day of days........

posted on 8/6/11

"So your mate got married today and that's you back already? No reception? Drinks? Liar!"

The wedding was yesterday, just got back home today.

posted on 8/6/11

k irvine
there was loads at it -miby 40 or 50 and most of them couldnt play either

posted on 8/6/11

A guy once told me I was standing too close to the ball. When i said 'do you think so?' he repied 'aye, after you've hit it.'

posted on 8/6/11

lol irvine

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