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These 150 comments are related to an article called:

Is Islam a huge threat to our lives?.

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posted on 14/11/15

The OP should of said Radical Islam in the title. Then the answer would be that there is a small risk. Even if they attack the small scale of the attacks kills a handfull of people in cities of millions.

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 3 minutes ago
someones a bit sensitive

fact is in those countries there are civil wars going on, there is no war in France, these people are just systematically killing civilians by choice and anyone who defends that is a mug

You are right. There is no war in France. There is a civil war in Syria and in Iraq.

Unfortunately, those civil wars have been exacerbated by western intervention. Western countries have helped arm rebels, performed drone strikes etc. France is one of the countries to get involved.

None of this condones what happened last night. Innocent people should never be targeted and to do so, for whatever cause is a cowardly act. What it does show however, is the complete ignorance in the above statement.


Spot on.

comment by U2 (U20610)

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Old Castle Swifts (U8613)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Old Castle Swifts (U8613)
posted 1 minute ago
posted 1 minute ago
One purpose of these attacks is to cause divisions. Usually makes people show their true colours.


Yeah, like your attitude towards Eastern European people?
My attitude is fine. We have a Rom community living near us.


Then why the bigoted comments towards Eastern European people?
---------------------------Maybe it's bigots like you that look for an excuse to attack others. Rom community? They call themselves Rom! -------------------------------------------

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Wearethefamous THFC .. (U19211)
posted 1 minute ago
Some people on here would of celebrated last night that's for sure. Internet warriors to scared to go and fight for their fked up cause
Who on earth are you accusing? Me?

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Wearethefamous THFC .. (U19211)
posted 1 minute ago
Some people on here would of celebrated last night that's for sure. Internet warriors to scared to go and fight for their fked up cause


Extraordinary statement.

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Afridi14 (U2805)
posted 2 minutes ago
Where have I defended these atrocities? What an I diot
Afridi.....not sure I'd agree with all your views on this issue and I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't agree with all of mine. I'd guess if we sat down to discuss it we'd come to a compromise of some sort or just agree to disagree.

However you have my complete sympathies when I see that you have to deal with guys like this Mancini. He's what many of us on the Scottish boards would call a 'roaster' or a 'warmer'. It's that type on all sides that got us to the position we're in. No allegiance to queen and country. FFS!

comment by U2 (U20610)

posted on 14/11/15

A war does not need to have guns and bombs.

Come and live in some of the shyteholes some communities are forced to live in. Come and feel the overt racism that exists. Come and get abused by the police.

Then tell me everything is alright.

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 1 minute ago
someones a bit sensitive

fact is in those countries there are civil wars going on, there is no war in France, these people are just systematically killing civilians by choice and anyone who defends that is a mug

You are right. There is no war in France. There is a civil war in Syria and in Iraq.

Unfortunately, those civil wars have been exacerbated by western intervention. Western countries have helped arm rebels, performed drone strikes etc. France is one of the countries to get involved.

None of this condones what happened last night. Innocent people should never be targeted and to do so, for whatever cause is a cowardly act. What it does show however, is the complete ignorance in the above statement.
complete ignorance u mug what I is said is fact
So western intervention because of mass murder in syria means we deserve to have bloodbaths on the streets of Europe

I'm sure you were one of the ones celebrating when news of the attacks came through last night.

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Wearethefamous THFC .. (U19211)
posted 20 seconds ago
Some people on here would of celebrated last night that's for sure. Internet warriors to scared to go and fight for their fked up cause

I think the only people who celebrate these attacks are those who get to dust off their right wing rhetorics.

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Afridi14 (U2805)
posted 13 minutes ago
My forefathers are from Pakistan. I am British as anyone on here and proud to be so.next?

What I was getting at was the fact Mancini took you to be "Middle Eastern", and as far as I know Pakistan isn't in the M.E.

Just a way of highlighting how the anti-Islam apologists happily throw everyone in the same bag.

posted on 14/11/15

People are so ignorant on here, these things are not just constrained to Paris, stuff like this happens in Nigeria and other African countries almost everyday!

But because it happens to a non western country, no one really bats an eyelid, but as soon as it happens to a western country it's a big problem!

And those saying that it's Bush and Blair that caused all this radicalisation, crap, what's that got to do with the stuff happening in Africa right now?

These guys all stick together and are being sponsored by those in Saudi and other muslim countries, so if you want to stay ignorant and say it's just because of foreign policy, go ahead!

comment by mancini (U7179)

posted on 14/11/15

comment by U2 (U20610)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by Afridi14 (U2805)
posted 3 minutes ago
My forefathers are from Pakistan. I am British as anyone on here and proud to be so.next?
You don't have any allegiance to Queen and Country.
You may be born here, you could be classed as a traitor because you defend the acts of those bent on merciless destruction of everything we stand for.
Maybe you should be sent somewhere for holding your medieval views? It's only fair.

Intolerance isn't something to be championed.
the freedom you enjoy today living in the country was fought for by those loyal to KING & COUNTRY. But this concept of loyalty is strange to you hence you think it is a medieval view.
I am British and am loyal to Queen and Country.
Maybe you can go live elsewhere if you can't be ar sed about this country.

posted on 14/11/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Magnum (U16400)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Afridi14 (U2805)
posted 2 minutes ago
Where have I defended these atrocities? What an I diot
Afridi.....not sure I'd agree with all your views on this issue and I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't agree with all of mine. I'd guess if we sat down to discuss it we'd come to a compromise of some sort or just agree to disagree.

However you have my complete sympathies when I see that you have to deal with guys like this Mancini. He's what many of us on the Scottish boards would call a 'roaster' or a 'warmer'. It's that type on all sides that got us to the position we're in. No allegiance to queen and country. FFS!

That's all very true.

posted on 14/11/15


Unfortunately the bigots are the same coin to the Isis rhetoric - the biggest evil in the world is ignorance. Nothing worse than it

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Giröulski Alt-153 and Alt-160 forever (U14971)
posted 40 seconds ago
comment by Magnum (U16400)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Afridi14 (U2805)
posted 2 minutes ago
Where have I defended these atrocities? What an I diot
Afridi.....not sure I'd agree with all your views on this issue and I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't agree with all of mine. I'd guess if we sat down to discuss it we'd come to a compromise of some sort or just agree to disagree.

However you have my complete sympathies when I see that you have to deal with guys like this Mancini. He's what many of us on the Scottish boards would call a 'roaster' or a 'warmer'. It's that type on all sides that got us to the position we're in. No allegiance to queen and country. FFS!

spot on... Couldn't agree more

comment by U2 (U20610)

posted on 14/11/15

comment by The fackin Gaffer-Pranksteroflove-angry-dragon (U6283)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 1 minute ago
someones a bit sensitive

fact is in those countries there are civil wars going on, there is no war in France, these people are just systematically killing civilians by choice and anyone who defends that is a mug

You are right. There is no war in France. There is a civil war in Syria and in Iraq.

Unfortunately, those civil wars have been exacerbated by western intervention. Western countries have helped arm rebels, performed drone strikes etc. France is one of the countries to get involved.

None of this condones what happened last night. Innocent people should never be targeted and to do so, for whatever cause is a cowardly act. What it does show however, is the complete ignorance in the above statement.
complete ignoranceu mug what I is said is fact
So western intervention because of mass murder in syria means we deserve to have bloodbaths on the streets of Europe

I'm sure you were one of the ones celebrating when news of the attacks came through last night.
------------Actually, knowing where is is right now, he'd have been asleep when the attacks happened. Unlike me who was out at work, in Greater Paris, in a public service capacity. I cried last night when I saw what was unfurling. I cried even more this morning when the extent of the butchery became more evident.
I don't doubt that I have friends of friends at that gig last night. Hell, my wife wanted us to go to that area to watch a film last night. So please don't get on your high horse and start with your preaching.

posted on 14/11/15

---------------------------Maybe it's bigots like you that look for an excuse to attack others. Rom community? They call themselves Rom! -------------------------------------------

Go on cry now. It was evident you tried to belittle Mancini by referring him to Eastern European. So, this generalisation of them as Muslim haters fixed in your tiny brain eh?

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Wearethefamous THFC .. (U19211)
posted 1 minute ago
Said ages ago in 100 yrs time Europe will be fked Mass imigaratiion has not worked and has left countries open to these attacks. Free borders and movement is a total joke and one we will regret more and more


One of the reasons for the rise of immigration is because of jobs. With spelling like yours, is that any surprise? Then you'll complain that immigrants take all the jobs...... Can't win FFS

posted on 14/11/15

the freedom you enjoy today living in the country was fought for by those loyal to KING & COUNTRY. But this concept of loyalty is strange to you hence you think it is a medieval view.
I am British and am loyal to Queen and Country.
Maybe you can go live elsewhere if you can't be ar sed about this country.
Why on earth should I be loyal to an unelected monarch and an arbitrary line in on the map? What nonsense is it to engage in ridiculous tribalism for no true purpose. Countries were just an effective vehicle for mobilising people and interests. Nationalistic pride was just an effective vehicle for getting people to do that. You're the example of the rampant mutant version of Nationalism that blights history.

Be loyal to people as a whole. It's that simple.

comment by U2 (U20610)

posted on 14/11/15

comment by Old Castle Swifts (U8613)
posted 1 minute ago
---------------------------Maybe it's bigots like you that look for an excuse to attack others. Rom community? They call themselves Rom! -------------------------------------------

Go on cry now. It was evident you tried to belittle Mancini by referring him to Eastern European. So, this generalisation of them as Muslim haters fixed in your tiny brain eh?
Go and take your ignorance elsewhere. Mancini professes himself as a certain type of person. I, quite rightly, question where he came from and suggest it may be from one of the very places he seems to despise.

If you can't follow that, go back to school.

comment by U2 (U20610)

posted on 14/11/15

So, the freedom that Afridi enjoys was simply due to those loyal to KING and COUNTRY???

What about those poor Indians that were made to fight? Ever heard about conscription?

I'm sure the Americans had no such allegiance to KING and COUNTRY.

comment by U2 (U20610)

posted on 14/11/15

And this is where I will leave you. Ignorant, racist bigots can be so entrenched with their views.

posted on 14/11/15

comment by The fackin Gaffer-Pranksteroflove-angry-dragon (U6283)
posted 34 seconds ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 1 minute ago
someones a bit sensitive

fact is in those countries there are civil wars going on, there is no war in France, these people are just systematically killing civilians by choice and anyone who defends that is a mug

You are right. There is no war in France. There is a civil war in Syria and in Iraq.

Unfortunately, those civil wars have been exacerbated by western intervention. Western countries have helped arm rebels, performed drone strikes etc. France is one of the countries to get involved.

None of this condones what happened last night. Innocent people should never be targeted and to do so, for whatever cause is a cowardly act. What it does show however, is the complete ignorance in the above statement.
complete ignoranceu mug what I is said is fact
So western intervention because of mass murder in syria means we deserve to have bloodbaths on the streets of Europe

I'm sure you were one of the ones celebrating when news of the attacks came through last night.

Wow. I won't dignify that last sentence with a response.

No one anywhere in the world deserves to have bloodbaths in the street. What happened last night is absolutely abhorrent. Is it any different to when the US bombed a hospital in Iraq?

I don't think so. If no one takes responsibility for the wrongs they have caused, this will never end. Attitudes of blaming an entire religion will only exacerbate a big problem and is no different to ISIS blaming the entirety of western civilisation.

If you want to call me a mug, then fine. I just don't want to see anymore killing, anywhere. The solution to me, does not involve being aggressive to an entire region we don't understand.

posted on 14/11/15

So western intervention because of mass murder in syria means we deserve to have bloodbaths on the streets of Europe


Shut the fack up idiot. Blaming the entire west for their own miserable failures and infighting between the different cults is not going to get any sympathy.

What Brazil and Japan have done? Why did their citizens got blown up and beheaded? You don't have any reasonable answers, do you?

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