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The Haven

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posted on 7/10/16

comment by Into the Sunset, or into the Abyss I'm always cruising baby (Formerly Oscar). Team Fury all the way baby, Fk the haters! Haven 2015/16 H2H League Winner (U12980)
posted 8 minutes ago
Yhyh i gave my ps4 to my nephew the other year cos i didnt play it for like 6 months. Might invest in a ps4/fifa bundle, fancy some fifa and nba.

We'll do team 2v2. When do u play online tho? Mine would be mon-fri after 7
play me at 2k oscar...scared to go online coz all the yanks will bend me over

posted on 7/10/16

comment by Nickalopodis (U9257)
posted 44 seconds ago
comment by Robben (U1145)
posted 9 minutes ago
I know you have beef with Fifa, I remember your articles all slating it
Use to love it...the way it played, I was younger so had more time. But I had a ridiculous way of playing total football and winning, If your a quick thinker it use to reward you. Had a record of like 270 wins, 7 losses on fifa 13...And now it doesn't really have leaderboards or anything, it sucks!

Lol definitely jumped on the FIFA threads to slate it I cant lie
I'm an Ultimate Team or Pro Clubs man... UT mostly. Too many nobheads on Pro Clubs... good when you get a decent load of players who want to play together to win, as opposed to just boost their own stats...

posted on 7/10/16

Will do when i get it mate.

Fk UT, 2v2 or manager mode or h2h season.

Fifa 11 was my ultimate one, genuinely went about 325 to 340 games without losing a match one time, i kept a tally, think it was 290 wins 50 draws, then i lost one n stopped bothering, was so good @ that the way i play, full pressing tackling, every cross bang goal or every corner goal

posted on 7/10/16

I play a proper Stoke way though King of crossing / headed goals

posted on 7/10/16

H2H seasons is boring... there's no progression in just playing with Bayern/City/RM/Barca. At least in UT you would a squad.

posted on 7/10/16

Too time consuming n too much effort i just like to play unless its manager mode. Even then i get bored after the transfers part when you duly build a great team then lose or draw a load of games vs crap team

posted on 7/10/16

Manager mode is boring as fack as well, hate playing vs. CPU...

Yeah exactly, it just runs out as soon as you have a good team

posted on 7/10/16

Right, I'm off

Good weekends etc....

posted on 7/10/16

Likewise hopefully the trains are normal now. Have a good one chaps cya Mon

posted on 10/10/16


posted on 10/10/16

Morning Benji

posted on 10/10/16


posted on 10/10/16

Not funny after Hurricane Matthew.

What's good, good weekend?

posted on 10/10/16


posted on 10/10/16

Charleston got pretty badly hit.

And good weeekend?

posted on 10/10/16

What's your thoughts on cliton/trump?

posted on 10/10/16

Oh didn't realise mate. Was just bantzing based on your name...

Let's retry:


posted on 10/10/16

Not following it tbh mate... wwbwb... no point getting excited or scared by it in the short term obviously Trump is a complete clown and it would be near disastrous for him to be leading one of the World's biggest powers.

posted on 10/10/16

How was your weekend pal?

posted on 10/10/16

Would be hilarious though, and the two other leading powers are putin and kim jong un

And yeh was good mate, just goes too quick, yours?

posted on 10/10/16

I'm going Scotland next year

posted on 10/10/16

Hilarious in what way?

Yeah, same... just flew by. Cycled 20 mjiles yesterday though

And made a MEAN roast lamb... roast potatoes, parsnips and carrots, braised red cabbage, peas

Was facking lovely.

posted on 10/10/16

Donald Trump would be the president of the biggest global power in the world, that's hilarious

Fkin hell, i went gym yesterday, done about hour n half on the bike.

Sounds nice, love parsnips man

posted on 10/10/16

Scotland... holiday or moving?

posted on 10/10/16

This was 4.5 hours in the countryside I'm dead today. Miss Robben's bro said we'll go for a ride, I'm thinking 4 or 5 miles to a pub then back. Ohhhh no, he walks out in full cycling getup... I'm in a hoody and jeans . He has an app... we totalled just over 20 miles and climbed 1200ft on hills

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