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Live Match Thread - Arsenal vs Leicester

Page 11 of 33

posted on 14/2/16

Kos is so chit given up on him

posted on 14/2/16

was surprised nobody mentioned the ref

posted on 14/2/16


posted on 14/2/16

comment by jebbush (U20649)
posted less than a minute ago
was surprised nobody mentioned the ref
You and the ref need to go to specsavers

comment by RGM (U20761)

posted on 14/2/16

comment by BlackStarr (U12353)
posted 30 seconds ago
Behave - he's no more a cheat than any other striker in the league. They all look for a pen
Yes and "any other striker" gets a ton of abuse for doing what Vardy just did

posted on 14/2/16

Fecking need to get our act together in second half! Not just feel sorry for ourselves

posted on 14/2/16

How the fack have Leicester got Kante and we have Flamini

posted on 14/2/16

Ref is terrible. Can't believe this crap

posted on 14/2/16

comment by Castor Troy (U8700)
posted less than a minute ago
How the fack have Leicester got Kante and we have Flamini
Wenger chose not to buy Kante

posted on 14/2/16

because Wenger and his scouting system cant find talent these days

posted on 14/2/16

comment by BlackStarr (U12353)
posted less than a minute ago
Behave - he's no more a cheat than any other striker in the league. They all look for a pen

Id hope Our players would do the same if one of your defenders offered us that, shoddy reffing still

I think more are annoyed at the lack of comment from the commentators

posted on 14/2/16

Game is over.

We will over commit and they will hit us on the counter

We are dreadful when chasing a game

posted on 14/2/16

Ramsey, Coq and Koss all on yellow....This is going to be tough

posted on 14/2/16

comment by I am gooner now (U16927)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Castor Troy (U8700)
posted less than a minute ago
How the fack have Leicester got Kante and we have Flamini
Wenger chose not to buy Kante

posted on 14/2/16

he cant control big games but the FA continue to give him big games

posted on 14/2/16

Maybe bring Eleny for Ramsey...

posted on 14/2/16

comment by Castor Troy (U8700)
posted less than a minute ago
Game is over.

We will over commit and they will hit us on the counter

We are dreadful when chasing a game
Jump of a bridge please. I beg you, it feels amazing

posted on 14/2/16

they just need to sit back soak up what we can throw at them going from side to side and they will hit us ion the break

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 14/2/16

Don't think you can argue it was a pen - Vardy played for it, but if Monreal is naive enough to defend like that, that's what happens.

Issue is that it shouldn't have got that far after Morgan was all over Ozil

posted on 14/2/16

Giroud had his shirt pulled but he give nothing Vardy cleary move hig leg to fall over Monreal he give a pen after a clear foul on Özil

posted on 14/2/16

I've had enough of losing games because refs are so one sided.

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 14/2/16

comment by Tbageth (U11806)
posted less than a minute ago
Don't think you can argue it was a pen - Vardy played for it, but if Monreal is naive enough to defend like that, that's what happens.

Issue is that it shouldn't have got that far after Morgan was all over Ozil
It was never a pen though. He just ran into him once Monreal pulled his leg bk in.

posted on 14/2/16

No one picking up on that idiotic Kos mistake? Wouldn't have happened if he never went in

posted on 14/2/16

The handball by Leicester was more a pen ffs

posted on 14/2/16

comment by I am gooner now (U16927)
posted less than a minute ago
I've had enough of losing games because refs are so one sided.
If this was Morinho it would be a conspiracy

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