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Maynard will sign in January!!

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posted on 1/9/11

Maynard will sign for a Prem club on a free, much like Beckford did a couple of years ago. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if Everton are offering him a pre-contract in six months time.

posted on 1/9/11

He doesnt want to go to you.

posted on 1/9/11

Please can we just let it go...no offence.

posted on 1/9/11

Couldn't give a monkeys about Maynard now, i'd much rather have Beckford if given the choice and now we have him and for about half of what it would cost us for Maynard, who hasn't proven that he can score in the PL!!

He can happily move to wherever will have him at the end of the season, though there is zero guarantee that a PL club will come in for him anyway!!

The BCFC board are mental in my opinion though, turning down 6 mill and letting him leave for free is brain dead but hey ho whatever!!

posted on 1/9/11

Time to move on guys.

We no longer need Maynard and have bought a similar player in Beckford.

For all the Bristol fans who are wallowing in the "we kept him and you can't have him" euphoria, remember that he now has a falling value and a dodgy knee.

Leicester are not a "big club" these days (as some of our supporters would believe) but in terms of the Championship, we are amongst the better ones. Bristol City (for all of your enthusiasm and self-belief) are at best, average.

Support-wise (even in a bad season last year) we averaged just under 24,000 a game - Bristol averaged under 15,000. Going back to 1996, Leicester have had 7 seasons in the Premiership; Bristol have ( to the best of my knowledge) had none.
Leicester have won the League Cup twice in the last
10 years, Bristol City's trophy cabinet looks a bit bare!

Logic dictates that Leicester (with our commitment to promotion this year) would have been a step up for Maynard.

Honourable of him to stick by his club for the short-term but he may or may not get that call from the Premiership in July. I honestly don't believe that he has done himself or your club any favours!

posted on 1/9/11

Maynard has no particular wish to come here, otherwise he would have handed in a transfer request. "Why?" is a question that's more interesting for us than it is Bristol. Possibly because his wife/fiancee/girlfriend/whoever she is is about to give birth; possibly because he was unimpressed with us when Bristol played us; possibly because we're not in the Premiership; possibly a combination thereof and probably because he isn't solely motivated by money.

However, while it would be interesting to know the reason (because it might be something we can work on in the future), I doubt we ever will. The fact is that he doesn't want to come and probably won't in the next 12 months either.

But where do we stand? I agree that Beckford is no worse a signing on the face of it, and someone who could potentially play with any of our other strikers. Essentially, we have a players whose goals might take us up, while Bristol City have kept a player whose goals could well keep them from going down. Is that worth £6m? Actually, it might be.

Anyway, if Bristol City's refusal to sell meant that we got Beckford instead as a direct result, I'd say that it could well be a positive thing for both teams.

posted on 1/9/11

It was meant to be a laugh not a serious article! Sorry people!!!

posted on 1/9/11

Jimi - I know you were fishing for Bristolians... but I think there are some interesting discussions still to be had (and being had) on the topic of the Maynard saga.

posted on 1/9/11

Maybe Maynard was holding out for a PL club, that's up to him, no hard feelings. He doesn't want to come to Leicester at the moment, maybe in January if we are 10 points clear or next season if we are in the premier League
But I don't agree that he is showing any loyalty to Bristol, unless he does actually sign a new contract, which I doubt. In my opinion he will run down his contract and leave for nothing. Very hard on any club and something that should be looked at as it isn't as if they have not offered him a new deal

comment by fatfox (U4031)

posted on 1/9/11

"maybe in January if we are 10 points clear"

If we are 10 points clear in January, I don't think we'll be in need of another striker.

Any road up, it's clear that we're at least as low as number 21 on the list of clubs he'd like to go to, so I'd much prefer that everyone now forgot about him. If he were to come here in January, it would be with a nasty chip on his shoulder about how he had been forced to settle for 21st best – and who needs that?

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