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These 20 comments are related to an article called:

Lieswell, we feel your pain

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/9/11

posted on 1/9/11

What did you have for your tea?

comment by (U5278)

posted on 1/9/11

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posted on 1/9/11

DD, what's your source on this 9 million knockback?

posted on 1/9/11

Hector you laugh, but your club is a joke.

You have lost title after title, your club has screamed injustice after injustice and the world still mocks yous.

And you gave Samaras a three year contract, and you are third in the league and out of Europe before September for the second year in a row.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/9/11

Rennes put a bid in and all of a sudden Pistols hawking Samaras.

posted on 1/9/11

quebecelt (U8127)

whats your source it didnt happen? ha

comment by (U5278)

posted on 1/9/11

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posted on 1/9/11

Oooooh... I think we ALL know who's actually in pain now.

posted on 1/9/11

poor petes beeling, tried to hawk the greek woman all round europe without a sniff


I seem to remember the celtic fans saying it was good business tying up sambo on a lucrative 3 year contract..........It meant they'd get a good fee for him.

comment by (U5278)

posted on 1/9/11

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/9/11

Really, proof?

comment by (U5278)

posted on 1/9/11

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/9/11

So THEY showed interest, Lawwell didn't hawk him to them.

posted on 1/9/11

Is Sammy the new Bobo?

He hung around like a bad smell long after he was wanted, raking in the over the top wages the whole time.

comment by (U5278)

posted on 1/9/11

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posted on 1/9/11

Doubt, Lawell would say: "Hello, Hello"

posted on 1/9/11

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posted on 1/9/11

Blubear let's not forget the memos, phone calls and letters to the SFA, UEFA and FARE but still wee Pete canne knock us of the top of tree. Every dirty wee trick, nasty wee jIbe just epitomises his team - Fail Fail

posted on 1/9/11

The real number Secen... Where was lennons sense of humour when Perth RSC flew a banner over the pitch during their tour of Oz? He was ragin... Could he no see the funny side ?

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