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These 13 comments are related to an article called:

this site is smite - it's my ball mentality

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posted on 8/6/11

interesting, go on.

comment by Admin2 (U2)

posted on 8/6/11


I'm not wearing a 'hi-vis vest' at present, but I cannot deny that we censor things, like we have done from the sites inception. If this has come as a surprise, you have missed the point of ja606.

We set up this site with a view to continuation of a service the BBC was taking away. This goes beyond just the look at feel of the site and extends to the type of content we feel is in keeping with the old 606. We don't really care what 'others' are doing - we just have a pretty clear idea of what we are trying to achieve.

If you are not happy with this, I am more than willing to close your account and you are obviously free to try any of the other alternative sites?

posted on 8/6/11

ninja............... ninja................ NINJA????? bout time ye were put in yer place!

posted on 8/6/11


posted on 8/6/11

Ninja - just incase you never got what the admin said let me translate

"if you dont like this site then FO" well said ....

comment by (U5278)

posted on 8/6/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 9/6/11

i think ninja dropped a smoke bomb and disappeared
lol ninja-put well in your place kid-about time to

posted on 9/6/11

Hail Hail Ninja

posted on 9/6/11

Admin2, well said and keep up the good work.

posted on 9/6/11

Ninja... if you honestly need to swear to make your point your an idiot. The rest of us may want to (in fact its hard not to when talking about Neil Lennon) but you just have to accept that these are the rules and always have been in 606. We've just lucky these guys have put in so much effort that it can continue! Your works much appreciated Admins!

posted on 9/6/11

Ninja... if you honestly need to swear to make your point your an idiot.


posted on 9/6/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 10/6/11

whoops didn't mean to delete your message nacho.
in response to your question do I have a reply to Admin2

only this as my answer to ALL censorship

First they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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