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These 102 comments are related to an article called:

Wolves V Spurs : Predictions!

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posted on 3/9/11

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posted on 3/9/11

No its not your weekly bath


Was going to say, Thursday has come round rather quickly.

I'm going to carbon copy your prediction this time RRP, Spurs 2-1 win, Adebayor to score 1st. Can i have an extra point or a gold star if i predict Ade to get both goals?

posted on 3/9/11

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posted on 3/9/11


Chicken - You always ask me these sneaky questions

I am going to have to decline this week, but one of these days i will add a twist in to keep everyone on their toes

Topper - Your more than welcome! 4-1 eh?

posted on 3/9/11

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posted on 3/9/11

1-0 Jarvis.

posted on 3/9/11

Not even a gold star?

posted on 3/9/11

Joe - One of these days you will need to predict a Spurs win and a Spurs 1st GS

Chicken - How about i give you a special mention in the next league table update if Ade scores both of our goals?

posted on 3/9/11



posted on 3/9/11


Just a quickie. How do you post smileys on the actually article?

posted on 3/9/11

I have put a little marker against your name Chicken in my Excel Table to remind me

comment by Yiddo80 (U1081)

posted on 3/9/11

Is anybody allowed to join this prestigious competition?

If so, i reckon...........................

Wolves 2-3 Spurs, with Bale to score first (watch him get injured on Tues now!)

posted on 3/9/11

Oh, Admin have made some updates (as i kept asking them to do it), you just enter the smileys as you would always do

There's also options for "bold" "italic" and "underline"

posted on 3/9/11

Yiddo - Everyone is welcome

I dont think my heart could take a 3-2 scoreline, but lets hope for 3 points

posted on 3/9/11

0-1 Defoe

posted on 3/9/11

Edin , got it down!

comment by Yiddo80 (U1081)

posted on 3/9/11

As you well know, we never seem to do things the easy way!!!

Cheers for the inclusion

And yes, 3 points would be most welcome

posted on 3/9/11

Can I post a joke answer as well?

Crouch, Hutton, Palacios & VDV

posted on 3/9/11

Yiddo - No worries, here's the current league table if you have time for a quick look-see


Supporting Spurs is never easy, i would like a health warning if im honest

posted on 3/9/11

Edin - You missed Jenas and Bently

posted on 3/9/11

And Pavlyuchenko *someone whispers in Edins ear*

Oh hes still on the books

posted on 3/9/11

3-1 Spurs, Adebayor first with a set piece header

posted on 3/9/11

2-1 Spurs


posted on 3/9/11

Cork -

Benny -

Edin - We will score a penalty ...

posted on 3/9/11

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