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Trump or Clinton?

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 26/7/16

Why is Clinton terrible?

posted on 26/7/16

No, it's still an easy decision.

You're talking about a man who wants to build a wall to keep Mexico out, and send them the bill. If they refuse to pay he wants to use force to make them pay.

A man who wants to stop any Muslim people from entering the country, and the ones currently there to be put on a database and wear a form of identification, a badge or armband. If that sounds familiar to you, that's because hitler used it with the Jewish people.

A man who's solution to all the gun violence and shootings currently occurring in the states is to add more guns.

So no robb, it's not a hard decision. It's a very very easy decision.

posted on 26/7/16

Absolute shocker here Rob. For a rational man, there's absolutely no contest. Trump is a buffoon and he'll do his very best to destroy the world from a place of power.

posted on 26/7/16

It's still an easy decision as Trump is like choosing to have aids.

Clinton is repulsive but Trump really is that bad.

I can actually see Trump getting elected though as the country is that disillusioned (rightfully so) and unfortunately stupid enough to vote Trump who is not the answer - Sanders was..

posted on 26/7/16

I feel that so many people have looked at Trump being genuinely awful that they've overlooked Clinton's dodginess.

It must be the worst choice any democracy has ever had to choose from

posted on 26/7/16

Hillary is corrupt and is basically owned and backed by big money corps.

Trump speaks the truth although needs to learn diplomatic skills.

The Americans need to look at whats happening around Europe at the moment thanks to weak left wing appeasers in leadership and see the devastating effects of uncontrolled immigration that should help sway their vote.

posted on 26/7/16

"Trump speaks the truth"

Racism was the word you were looking for.

posted on 26/7/16

comment by Tiddles LFC (U17634)
posted 3 seconds ago
"Trump speaks the truth"

Racism was the word you were looking for.
Give me a racist Quote Trump has said, Muslims are not a race btw and he is against illegal immigration.

The term you are looking for is facist you idiot, stop being another dumb liberal using the word "racist" against anyone you dont agree with.

posted on 26/7/16

comment by Vic Mackey...I sho did! (U19237)
posted 1 minute ago
Hillary is corrupt and is basically owned and backed by big money corps.

Trump speaks the truth although needs to learn diplomatic skills.

The Americans need to look at whats happening around Europe at the moment thanks to weak left wing appeasers in leadership and see the devastating effects of uncontrolled immigrationthat should help sway their vote.
Trump speaks the truth?

No he says what he thinks people want to hear and contradicts himself on an almost daily bases.

This is the whole problem, the electorate are rightfully upset but mentally lacking, completely deluded and easily manipulated.

posted on 26/7/16

I'd vote Clinton.

But Clinton herself is a disgrace. Probably the world's leading female psychopath. Generally can't think think of another woman on the planet who has supported, backed and helped implement so much suffering who is currently alive today.

Western democracy - a choice between a clown and a psycho. Brilliant.

posted on 26/7/16

comment by BerbaKing11 (U6256)
posted 4 seconds ago
I'd vote Clinton.

But Clinton herself is a disgrace. Probably the world's leading female psychopath. Generally can't think think of another woman on the planet who has supported, backed and helped implement so much suffering who is currently alive today.

Western democracy - a choice between a clown and a psycho. Brilliant.

Pretty much sums up how I feel

posted on 26/7/16

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posted on 26/7/16

Trump will win

posted on 26/7/16

comment by Vic Mackey...I sho did! (U19237)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Tiddles LFC (U17634)
posted 3 seconds ago
"Trump speaks the truth"

Racism was the word you were looking for.
Give me a racist Quote Trump has said, Muslims are not a race btw and he is against illegal immigration.

The term you are looking for is facist you idiot, stop being another dumb liberal using the word "racist" against anyone you dont agree with.
I'm not, you're allowed to disagree with me but trump is most definitely racist.

For example, he said a judge would be biased in a court case against him due to his Mexican heritage. To say that a highly skilled and professional person would be completely spiteful and lack scruples because of his heritage is racist.

posted on 26/7/16

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posted on 26/7/16

This 'Clinton is corrupt' / 'she should be in jail' talk is to a large degree a reflection of politically motivated legal probes that have dogged her since Bill came to national prominence: from Whitewater to Benghazi, the right wing has tried to make things stick on her without any success.

Clinton is not corrupt in the sense of legal misdemeanours. We can say that she's corrupt in terms of prospering within a corrupted system, but then that's true of every Democratic presidential nominee for generations - and we don't see the same hysterical antipathy towards them that we see for Clinton. I think that's partly to do with the climate of social media fuelled polarisation today, partly because a certain strand in culture judges women by a different standard to men, and partly to do with the fact that she has been in the sights of the right-wing attack machines for 25 years.

As for her politics, she's about one degree left of centre. Possibly her instincts are - or started out - more left-wing than that but she's a pragmatist who sets out to aim for what's politically possible rather than to transform politics as a whole. As I see it, she has been to the right of Obama on foreign policy, but slightly to the left of him on economic policy judged by her position statements over the last decade. I'd expect her as president to push the needle as far as politically possible e.g. toward extending healthcare rather than taking it away from poor people. What she won't do is push it so far that it risks killing her presidency.

Sanders would have been a transformative president; Clinton will be more or less status quo, though pushed a little to the left due to reliance on the Sanders movement; Trump is so disturbingly neo-fascistic that reasonable people really shouldn't be asking themselves the question raised in the OP.

posted on 26/7/16

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posted on 26/7/16

On the surface it's an extremely easy decision. Dig a little deeper and it becomes a bit more clouded. If I was American, I couldn't vote for either. You have a racist clown that can't articulate a policy position to save his life, and one of the most corrupt hawks in DC. I think she said Obama's foreign policy was not strong enough (30,000 bombs dropped on Iraq and Syria is not strong enough)

I think it will be an election where 3rd a 4th party candidates will gain. Gary Johnson is polling at around 12% and Jill Stein at around 6%.

Trump himself is a creation of the corrupt system don't let anybody fool on that score, that he is some kind of saviour of the little guy. However, if Clinton wins it's business as usual and no change will come to the political system and the interventionist foreign policy that has completely destroyed the ME.

As I said, would never entertain supporting either, however the upside to a Trump presidency could be the destruction of the current corrupt system (things maybe have to get worse before they get better in a sense)

posted on 26/7/16

comment by United we win (U19958)
posted 8 minutes ago
Trump is just like every other psychotic leader - he is a. Extension of a populous. He is saying what Americans want to hear and I hate to generalise but there are a lot of crazy racists in that country. It was a nation built on hate and suffering and lies. So it's no surprise that trump will get in and probably ruin them.
Ruin them? Obama's done a pretty good job in the last 8 years himself Americas is more divided than its ever been under the useless socialist.

posted on 26/7/16

I think it's fairly similar to the brexit campaign.

While Trump may be odious he offers something exciting to a lot of voters. Not so much his policies but more a chance to go to the polling booth and stick a middle finger up to the status quo.

That's what I think a lot of brexit voters did when they went to the booth. Decided to vote for what the experts patronisingly told them not to do.

The average person seems to be sick of being told what to do and that's what might bring Trump to power.

I totally agree he shouldn't be in power but he's been created by total apathy in politics and if he does get elected it will be because of failures in the system. He was just clever enough to fill that vacuum.

posted on 26/7/16

Clinton is not corrupt in the sense of legal misdemeanours
We'll.... in a legal sense, OJ Simpson is not a murderer.

Clinton... be it purposefully, or by her nature, seems to go from one scandal to the next.... The idea that is just right wing media at play seems a little thin.

Anyone.... the hope is that Congress will keep either of these somewhat in check.

posted on 26/7/16

As I said, would never entertain supporting either, however the upside to a Trump presidency could be the destruction of the current corrupt system (things maybe have to get worse before they get better in a sense)


Think back to how the hard left in 1930s Germany was more concerned with defeating the soft left than uniting against right, and how some glib voices saw the rise of Hitler as an opportunity.

posted on 26/7/16

comment by Tiddles LFC (U17634)
posted 37 minutes ago
comment by Vic Mackey...I sho did! (U19237)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Tiddles LFC (U17634)
posted 3 seconds ago
"Trump speaks the truth"

Racism was the word you were looking for.
Give me a racist Quote Trump has said, Muslims are not a race btw and he is against illegal immigration.

The term you are looking for is facist you idiot, stop being another dumb liberal using the word "racist" against anyone you dont agree with.
I'm not, you're allowed to disagree with me but trump is most definitely racist.

For example, he said a judge would be biased in a court case against him due to his Mexican heritage. To say that a highly skilled and professional person would be completely spiteful and lack scruples because of his heritage is racist.
saying someone would be discriminated against because of their race is not racist

posted on 26/7/16

comment by Nickalopodis (U9257)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Tiddles LFC (U17634)
posted 37 minutes ago
comment by Vic Mackey...I sho did! (U19237)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Tiddles LFC (U17634)
posted 3 seconds ago
"Trump speaks the truth"

Racism was the word you were looking for.
Give me a racist Quote Trump has said, Muslims are not a race btw and he is against illegal immigration.

The term you are looking for is facist you idiot, stop being another dumb liberal using the word "racist" against anyone you dont agree with.
I'm not, you're allowed to disagree with me but trump is most definitely racist.

For example, he said a judge would be biased in a court case against him due to his Mexican heritage. To say that a highly skilled and professional person would be completely spiteful and lack scruples because of his heritage is racist.
saying someone would be discriminated against because of their race is not racist
Mexicans are not a race either, do you know how many different racial make ups there are Mexico? You have European, Arab, Afro and Indigenous Mexicans.

Again still waiting for this racist Trump statement.

posted on 26/7/16

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