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These 70 comments are related to an article called:

Spurs fans take my challenge

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comment by (U18814)

posted on 19/9/16

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posted on 19/9/16

Challenge accepted.

Only you have something to lose from this

It's only five facking games and I see you are taking your willies out telling the world how good you are (along with Neverton fans who forced their manager out) and laughing at West Ham, Arsenal, Man Utd and Chelsea.

I will you what, either of you (Looters or Neverton) finish in the top 4 and West Ham goes down then I will cut my right bollox off in front of your ground.

You lot are facking deluded


You mug!

posted on 19/9/16

comment by The Ace Face (U18814)
posted 4 minutes ago
18thyou deserve to be laughed at.

You are a known coward who bottles his bets, so no point anyone making an agreement with you, you ugly fat disgusting stinking piece of scuum.

his bet is one sided. He is a mug ham fan

posted on 19/9/16

comment by The Ace Face (U18814)
posted 4 minutes ago
18th you deserve to be laughed at.

You are a known coward who bottles his bets, so no point anyone making an agreement with you, you ugly fat disgusting stinking piece of scuum.


Your mum and dad must be fat and working as tampon collectors.

Now your goal scorer is cracked, you will finish in a position where Neverton did last time

posted on 19/9/16

Arouna, that much confidence I have in my bet.

Deluded mug

posted on 19/9/16

What a nice way to start the monday morning

posted on 19/9/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 19/9/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 19/9/16

posted 51 seconds ago
What a nice way to start the monday morning


Especially after the disappointment weekend

posted on 19/9/16

I thought it was already lopped off?

comment by (U18814)

posted on 19/9/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 19/9/16

Maf feeding the fools again.

posted on 19/9/16

posted 2 minutes ago
Wouldn't make a difference if he did chop it off - he's infertile anyway and even if he wasn't no woman would want to procreate with a disgusting thick penniless scuumbag like him anyway, so his genitals are effectively useless to him.


That's not true, ask your wife.

posted on 19/9/16

What happened to Ahoy?

I liked Ahoy.

Ahoy Ahoy

posted on 19/9/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 19/9/16

Michigan, now that's a blast from the past!

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 19/9/16

maf you haven't honoured any of your bets

posted on 19/9/16

I would had you win any of them

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 19/9/16

Michigan. florida, ohio, mafiaboy, ABU, ahoy.

maf has had some classics

posted on 19/9/16

Abu just reminds me of that little monkey in Alladin

posted on 19/9/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 19/9/16

you have to first have balls

posted on 19/9/16

posted 22 seconds ago
you have to first have balls


You wanna look at my balls?

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 19/9/16

maf remember when u lost the bet about spurs being in top 4 and said you would run naked down Tottenham high road... ?

did you ever do that one maf?

posted on 19/9/16

comment by ®åρtor✡ (U1071)
posted 3 minutes ago
The best one was from a few seasons back when Maf bet on his account that we would lose to Utd at Old Trafford. The odds were usually well against us when we played them at their place but on this rare occasion we ended up winning. Maf tried to delete all trace of the bet but Admin was onto him before Maf could delete all record of it

Someone find this article please

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