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These 11 comments are related to an article called:

Where is everyone?

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posted on 6/12/16

This board used to be the most active a few years back. Now it's defo the United board who tend to write the same article 8 times with different wording which is the most active.

posted on 6/12/16

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posted on 6/12/16

as things are going ok - there are no Wenger in/wenger out articles.

comment by Gunner (U9500)

posted on 6/12/16

Well, take this article for example. People giving one stars....

No wonder nobody bothers writing stuff anymore.

posted on 6/12/16

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posted on 6/12/16

Really enjoyed reading people's views about upcoming games, tactics, players to look out for etc...


Not sure what board you were looking at but it wasn't this one.

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 6/12/16

Shame its gone downhill.

posted on 6/12/16

I used to post when I could, then got bored of people like tiki, RGK, and a few others, turning every article into a playground. I continued to read the forum, but couldn't be bothered joining in.

I then saw a post the other day, similar to this, and just decided that I'd try and contribute when I could. I live in the north, so finding people with any knowledge about arsenal, outside of what the media tell you, is extremely difficult.

posted on 6/12/16

I just landed here by hitting the most recent button


Arsenal have their own board...😨

posted on 6/12/16

BUMP for all the forgotten Arsenal fans

posted on 6/12/16

Guess this board has gone the way of the Emirates if you know what i mean?

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