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Bournemouth 3 Vs 3 Arsenal Match Thread FT

Page 17 of 42

posted on 3/1/17

comment by Pride of the North (U6803)
posted less than a minute ago
Disgusted at the wenger out chants, he deserves time to bring the club back to the top
A decade is not enough?

posted on 3/1/17

Has boruc had a save to make yet!. Defending for the first goal was atrocious!, Daniels could have gone in for a slash and come out with all that space around him.

posted on 3/1/17

so many non arsenal fans on this thread.

posted on 3/1/17

Wenger out?

posted on 3/1/17

Not having the leggy excuse either myself. Agree that the scheduling is bull but that's no excuse here.

Being leggy has nothing to do with being too dumb to put the ball in the air and allow OG to work the advantage he'll have. The CBs have him comfortably sewn up on the deck. This isn't being leggy, it's poor strategy, a moronic Xhaka and amped up over-excited Bellerin, which are responsible.

posted on 3/1/17

comment by FuzzyAlli (U6468)
posted less than a minute ago
Wenger out?
Ramsey out

posted on 3/1/17

everyone before the game knew this would be one of the toughest of the season. yet all of a sudden its abysmal management and tactics. use your brain, its truly embarrassing

posted on 3/1/17

comment by Bennyville (U8058)
posted 58 seconds ago
why were the bournemouth fans booing?

posted on 3/1/17

comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 2 seconds ago
comment by Phoenix - The Best Number 10 (U7144)
posted less than a minute ago
Pathetic selection from Wenger...Ramsey should have never started....Giroud questionable decision...specially vs team like Bournemouth
not much of a choice though
Only questionable decision is playing Iwobi on the right. Other than that Wenger got the team spot on. The players have let the club down & Xhaka despite being a gifted player risks having a reputation of being a liability. I was more annoyed with the sloppy pass than the challenge that led to the penalty

posted on 3/1/17

comment by Phoenix - The Best Number 10 (U7144)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/... (U8398)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Phoenix - The Best Number 10 (U7144)
posted less than a minute ago
Pathetic selection from Wenger...Ramsey should have never started....Giroud questionable decision...specially vs team like Bournemouth
not much of a choice though
That cannot be a excuses...When you refuse to sign a quality players. Secondly, tactically he could have played it safe and played a counter attakcign team..which most top teams would have done in this scenario.
I didn't say it was an excuse, even with the bad team choice we have to defend better at least

posted on 3/1/17

comment by The Godfather (U10154)
posted 1 second ago
everyone before the game knew this would be one of the toughest of the season. yet all of a sudden its abysmal management and tactics. use your brain, its truly embarrassing

fack me, this guy has to be a troll

posted on 3/1/17

comment by Pride of the North (U6803)
posted less than a minute ago
Disgusted at the wenger out chants, he deserves time to bring the club back to the top
I didn't hear the chants.

What chant, how aggressive? How many people roughly chanting..... was it more, or less, than less time?

posted on 3/1/17

comment by Phoenix - The Best Number 10 (U7144)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Pride of the North (U6803)
posted less than a minute ago
Disgusted at the wenger out chants, he deserves time to bring the club back to the top
A decade is not enough?
Top 4 every season, mashing the sp uds in the process

comment by Radical (U8691)

posted on 3/1/17

It's never Wenger's fault

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 3/1/17

comment by The Godfather (U10154)
posted less than a minute ago
everyone before the game knew this would be one of the toughest of the season. yet all of a sudden its abysmal management and tactics. use your brain, its truly embarrassing
Bournemouth away one of the hardest games please pull he other one.

City, united , pool, chelsea and spurs are the hardest away games.

posted on 3/1/17

henry is trying very hard no to laugh

posted on 3/1/17

comment by Pride of the North (U6803)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Phoenix - The Best Number 10 (U7144)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Pride of the North (U6803)
posted less than a minute ago
Disgusted at the wenger out chants, he deserves time to bring the club back to the top
A decade is not enough?
Top 4 every season, mashing the sp uds in the process

I'd love to be in the CL right now

posted on 3/1/17

comment by Yohan's Kebab Van (U8691)
posted less than a minute ago
It's never Wenger's fault
its always wengers fault. every single goal we ever conceed

comment by Radical (U8691)

posted on 3/1/17


posted on 3/1/17

No it's embarrassing we're 2-0 down

posted on 3/1/17

Used to think Godfather was alright but clearly he is just a wum

posted on 3/1/17

comment by The Godfather (U10154)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Yohan's Kebab Van (U8691)
posted less than a minute ago
It's never Wenger's fault
its always wengers fault. every single goal we ever conceed
he is the boss and is responsible for everything on the pitch. the good and the bad.

comment by Radical (U8691)

posted on 3/1/17

The one constant in the last 5 years+ of failure can't be blamed.

posted on 3/1/17

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)
posted 18 seconds ago
comment by The Godfather (U10154)
posted less than a minute ago
everyone before the game knew this would be one of the toughest of the season. yet all of a sudden its abysmal management and tactics. use your brain, its truly embarrassing
Bournemouth away one of the hardest games please pull he other one.

City, united , pool, chelsea and spurs are the hardest away games.

in fairness this is in the top 15 hardest games of the season.

not including the CL.


posted on 3/1/17

so poor from xhaka on the replay

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