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posted on 9/9/11

phil jones - oshea's spiritual successor (U10004)
Is that the reason you support United because they win trophies
nope, but i sure do enjoy seeing them won

it's a feeling alien to most city fans under 75.

posted on 9/9/11

Denis Law sending you down
fergie attacking referees
Billion £'s of debt

I like the way you ran out of things to say and had to resort to making things up

posted on 9/9/11

Utd fans giving it the biggun when the club ambassador and manager are as bent as they come.

posted on 9/9/11

Utd fans giving it the biggun when the club ambassador and manager are as bent as they come.

says the club owned by people who, if you said that in their country, you'd be waking up at the bottom of the arabian gulf.

posted on 9/9/11

thought you was a united fan joe? keep me in the loop please.

posted on 9/9/11

Everyone here is my stalker...fallowfieldred (U10097)

Sorry fella but you are filtred.

posted on 9/9/11

no bother. you can't stop me from making sure that everyone else knows that you support a million different teams.

posted on 9/9/11

All I see is filtered

posted on 9/9/11

ah well. i'm sure we can converse again when log into one of your other accounts. perhaps the one where you're a tottenham fan? or the one where you're a united fan. you pick,i''m not fussed.

posted on 9/9/11

As Redkanpp said, Rochdale could do the same as City if they had the oil

posted on 9/9/11

All I see is filtered

He said

"no bother. you can't stop me from making sure that everyone else knows that you support a million different teams."

You're welcome

comment by Admin2 (U2)

posted on 9/9/11


Care to back that accusation up with actual account IDs?

posted on 9/9/11


What does the "Short names" function do?

posted on 9/9/11

I see a club that means as much to its fans as any other club does to its fans.

I see a club that has had more than its fair share of ups and downs, and a significant percentage of its support who remained loyal through the bad times.

I see a club that has fans who, like all clubs, crave success, but because of the low moments it (and they) have endured, know that that success may well taste all the more sweeter for it.

I see a club that is fortunate enough to be able to overcome the financial disparities that modern-day football (especially) embraces.

I see a club that has a set of fans that want exactly the same for their club as any other group of fans want for the club they support.

I see a club that fans of other clubs are now beginning to despise. Probably not too disimilar to the way many fans despise the likes of United, Liverpool, Chelsea, etc etc. And probably just as fans of those clubs don't care what others think about them, neither will City fans care what anyone thinks about us.

But if I had to sum up City with one word, it would simply be impassioned.

comment by Admin2 (U2)

posted on 9/9/11

It's probably not much of an issue unless you frequent the Arsenal board, where they seem very fond of long display names, but it truncates all display names at the head of comments and articles.

Might be useful if you browse with a mobile phone...

posted on 9/9/11

If City fans didnt care about what people think then why all the responses? Good catch is what i say

posted on 9/9/11


come back when you've won something worthwhile."

Typical glory hunting rag anyone?

posted on 9/9/11

"If City fans didnt care about what people think then why all the responses?"

If that's aimed towards me, my response was to simply answer the OP's question "When you think of Manchester City what do you think of". I fail to see how any part of my response could be construed as me actually caring what fans of other clubs think about City.

posted on 9/9/11

admin 2,he had a few different accounts on the old board (which he has admitted to) one as a city fan,one as a tottenham fan,one as a united fan. the tottenham and untied one's were proper wind up attempts and done just to take the mick. he was written off as a wum by all and sundry (even city fans) on the old board,so i'm actually surprised he's even bothered coming over here.

posted on 9/9/11

Never mentioned any names Ripley?

posted on 9/9/11

JHDI a wum?
Are you sure?
He has a manservant called James who tends his every need,perhaps James has his own account?

posted on 9/9/11

Hence why I prefaced my comment with "if that's aimed towards me"...

posted on 9/9/11

paul,i'm right aren't i? i even remember a thread on the old board where the majority of the city posters questioned whether he was even a city fan. a wum is a wum,but when they pose as a supporter of another club to make all those supporters look daft,then i draw the line. he was a right menace on the old board.

posted on 9/9/11

When I think of Manchester United, I think of;

snarling Keane and Stam in the referee's face
japanese tourists with their camera's
corporate richard heads
norwich city
incessant gum chewing by the manager(even during the minute silence for 50th anniversary of Munich disaster)
plastic fans from every nothing town up and down the country who have never been to stretford

posted on 9/9/11

Oldnewtonheath(claytonred on 606) knows him from years ago on 606,perhaps he knows his origins
He started out ok on 606 and went a bit like Thatcher in her latter years in charge,a barmpot indeed but a harmless one

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